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[PD] Learning to Learn #6

Open BerwinE opened 1 year ago

BerwinE commented 1 year ago

From Course-Fundamentals created by SallyMcGrath: CodeYourFuture/Course-Fundamentals#8

Coursework content

Estimated time in hours


What is the purpose of this assignment?

You can use your Github project board to structure your learning like Sarah's. Create your own issues for blocks of learning and schedule them into your week.

Then I take all of those features, write them out, and estimate how much time I’ll need for each one. Here’s an example where I wrote out all the things I needed to learn. The yellow numbers on the side are my time estimates in half hour units.

How to submit

Create your own ticket with your own learning goals.

BerwinE commented 1 year ago

Goal: Learn JavaScript.

Dedicate 1-2 hours daily for focused learning. -Break the year into smaller learning phases or topics. -Days 1-60: JavaScript Fundamentals.

Cover basic syntax, variables, and control flow. -Learn about functions, arrays, and loops. -Practice coding exercises and simple projects. -Days 61-180: Intermediate JavaScript.

Dive deeper into objects, closures, and higher-order functions. -Explore asynchronous programming and Promises. -Work on projects to apply learned concepts. -Days 181-300: JavaScript Frameworks or Libraries.

Choose a popular framework like React, Angular, or Vue.js. -Learn framework-specific concepts and build projects. -Follow tutorials and documentation for hands-on experience. -Days 301-365: Advanced JavaScript and Deployment.

kfklein15 commented 11 months ago

The content looks good, but you didn't create a ticket per se, which was what this ticket expected. Or if you have, you haven't added the ticket links here.

BerwinE commented 11 months ago