Beshelmek / govee_ble_lights

Govee BLE Lighting Integration for HomeAssistant
MIT License
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New Color mode for H613G #40

Open eimirae opened 5 months ago

eimirae commented 5 months ago

To get color picking on a H613G (and presumably all other H613* strips), I had to use a new color mode 0x0d

  -          commands.append(self._prepareSinglePacketData(LedCommand.COLOR, [LedMode.MANUAL, red, green, blue]))
  +          commands.append(self._prepareSinglePacketData(LedCommand.COLOR, [0x0d, red, green, blue]))

I would describe this color mode as "smooth change"

I thought I would share what I learned.

gparent commented 2 months ago

This is also valid for H6006 and H6008. There are other arguments in the byte array, see #34