BestImageViewer / geeqie

claiming to be the best image viewer / photo collection browser
GNU General Public License v2.0
458 stars 76 forks source link

Would you like a support forum at #564

Open paperdigits opened 6 years ago

paperdigits commented 6 years ago


Your website mentions that you need a mailing list/support forum, and we already have a running discourse instance at

We're trying to get as many people associated with libre graphics in one place! We're already the official support forum for RawTherapee, Rapid Photo Downloader, and G'MIC.

Discourse is very flexible and can be used solely via email.

mowgli commented 6 years ago

Just before version 1.4 I opened the mailing list on

I'd like to let the troubles we had with sourceforge calm down and reinvent a stable discussion/development. For this reason, I don't want to open another platform at the moment.

I just keep this offer open for discussion.

paperdigits commented 6 years ago

Cool, thanks for the reply. The offer is always on the table if you'd like to take us up. We try to help with support, website, communication, community, etc, so that developers can spend more time making Free Software.

anarcat commented 4 years ago

i must say i would participate more in such a forum if it was on, because i'm already there. ;)