BestOwl / MyPhone

Connect your mobile devices (Android/iOS/WindowsPhone) to PC
MIT License
191 stars 37 forks source link

two phones connected ? #23

Open tilleul opened 1 year ago

tilleul commented 1 year ago

I'm discovering your code and it looks very promising for a project I have.

I have set up two BT connections on the same computer to two different phones. Running your program I use phone #1 to call phone #2 ... and your program emits a notification for phone #2 receiving a call ... how weird, I thought that your app was connected to phone #1 only ... is this a bug ?

Is it possible to use your library for Win32 desktop appplications ?

I hope you can find the time to continue the development, notably for SMS messaging.

BestOwl commented 1 year ago

I have set up two BT connections on the same computer to two different phones. Running your program I use phone to call phone ... and your program emits a notification for phone receiving a call ... how weird, I thought that your app was connected to phone only ... is this a bug ?

This app does not support the simultaneous connection of two phones at this moment.

Is it possible to use your library for Win32 desktop appplications ?

Yes, My Phone itself is a Win32 desktop app.