Bestride / BeStride

A WoW mount manager based off Yay! Mounts
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Momentary game freeze when mounting up #73

Closed Vilacard closed 5 years ago

Vilacard commented 5 years ago

My game freezes for maybe half a second when mounting up. It seems to be something that was changed in the 1.0.1 release (and still present in 1.0.8), but is not in the 0.0.11 release.

I'm having a hard time tracking down what causes it. It's an addon conflict of some sort, as it works fine with everything but Bestride and Addon Control Panel disabled. I've tried slowly disabling addons to narrow it down, and it does get better, but when I think I've found it and enabled everything else the issue comes back. For now I think I'll stick to the 0.0.11 release, but here's my addon list if it helps:

Addon Control Panel Advanced Interface Options Altoholic ArcHUD3 Ark Inventory Astral Keys Auctionator AutoLootPlus AzeriteTooltip BattlegroundTargets Bestride Bindpad Broker DurabilityInfo/Everything/MicroMenu Can I Mog It? ChocolateBar Clique Datastore DBM DataStore DBM DejaCharacterStats Details Easy Scrap Ebony's Multiboxing Assistant Examiner Exorsus Raid Tools Flash Task Bar Garrison Mission Manager GottaGoFast Grid2 I_Hear_You_Whisper/I_Hear_You_BN In Progress Missions ISBoxer KUI LargerMacroIconSelection Master Plan Method Alt Manager Mik's Scrolling Battle Text MoveAnything OPie Paste Pawn Prat Premade Groups Filter Quartz QuickQuest RangeDIsplay RCLootCouncil Reagent Banker RelicInspector Rematch SellJunk Shadowed Unit Frames SharedMedia SimPermut Simulationcraft SlashIn SPTimers tdBattlePetScript TomTom TooltipOnMouse Twintop's Insanity Bar WeakAuras 2 WhisperWhisper World Quests List Lib: Ace3/Lib: SharedMedia-3.0

Mindlessgalaxy commented 5 years ago


Just so you know for me, I have around 300 addons and no issues, I also know how hard it is to work out which ones. I will list the ones I know have known issues, but don't ever seem to have been fixed or corrected for whatever reasons?

Broker Everything is handy - Got rid of it and replaced it with others that do same things and made huge difference for me. Weak Auras 2 - Is great and love it, but uses to much in the way of system resources and if you haven't got a top notch machine they will often tell you themselves to maybe not use it. Again others out there to try, like TellmeWhen, but of course it means learning a new one and setting it up. Addon Control Panel - This one has always been a funny one for me, but no one else, just mentioning it for your sake to try. Advanced Interface Options - Same as the one above, although this one causes me more trouble than it does. Ark Inventory - This one is awesome and if you have the current version it works well for me, although there are sometimes issues for people with hanging like you have described above. Auctionator - Love this one as well, but since stopping using it, my game has been smoother, but cannot say for sure if it was this one or another, as I got rid of a few at the same time, sorry about that. _RelicInspector_ - I know this one can cause issues for some, but really not that many, I got rid of it, as it isn't really relevant anymore with BFA and not needed. But that is of course your choice. Lib: Ace3/Lib: SharedMedia-3.0 - Just make sure these are current and preferably the alpha versions of ACE3 as there are known issues as well in there. Shared Media should be fine.

The rest are ok, although there are several I do not know or have never used. I would suggest disabling all the ones above that I listed and see what happens for you. If that works then you are on the right track and I hope it does for your sake and hopefully one you don't need. Then just keep doing that. Sometimes the only way to work out which one is turning them off in batches and I simply use the alphabet to work out which ones to unmark etc first. Good luck and I hope it helps you.

One last suggestion, if you do think it is Bestride then disable all the other addons and only have bestride enabled and see what happens. If it works it is not this addon. Before you do that, the best thing is go to a new realm if you are able or one you don't use much and then disable all the addons, or make a backup of your WTF folder and go from there, Or you will have to reselect every single addon for every single toon that you want it on. The moment you unselect all it is stuffed and I really resent that lol, Hope that also helps as it always drives me crazy or nuts when I do forget to do that. It is essential in my opinion only.

Good Luck and hope you don't mind my opinion and trying to help.


Vilacard commented 5 years ago

I did already try disabling all my addons except Bestride and AddonControlPanel, and it works fine. I'm just having trouble narrowing it down to what exactly is causing the conflict: I'll disable a bunch bit by bit and it gets better, but when I finally think I find the issue and reenable everything but that mod the issue comes back.

Edit- I did try disabling those you listed (and left everything else enable), and I still have the same issue.

Mindlessgalaxy commented 5 years ago

Sorry about that, I am not sure which one it must be, be aware that I have had on very rare occasion 2 addons which caused the same problem and really confused me. Just so you know is all and good luck,


Ragnar-F commented 5 years ago

Same issue. It also causes barely noticeable freezes when I have disabled all addons except BeStride. It seems that the more addons I reactivate, the longer the freeze.

DanSheps commented 5 years ago

I will look into this and get back to you.

DanSheps commented 5 years ago

I thought about this for a little bit, it could be the garbagecollection in the game. I will disable it and let you know.

DanSheps commented 5 years ago

I am unable to duplicate this on my one laptop. I will test on my desktop tonight (where I have more addons loaded and a older processor) and let you know.

I am thinking, based on Ragnar-F's comment, that this is related to collectgarbage() in the "PreClick" events in BeStride_ActionButton.lua.

If someone who is experiencing this wants to open that file and comment out (add two "-" before like this:

-- Comment

So that it looks like:

-- collectgarbage()

And let me know the results, that would be swell.

Ragnar-F commented 5 years ago

Commenting out collectgarbage() helps (at least for me).

DanSheps commented 5 years ago

Thanks, that is helpful.

Could you try moving it into the postclick section and uncommenting it?

I will have to see if there is a way to handle it better.


Vilacard commented 5 years ago

Commenting out collectgarbage() seems to have fixed the issue for me as well. Not sure which you wanted to comment out (There were like 4 of them I think?), so I did all of them.

Edit- Didn't see your last message. Tried putting collectgarbage() in the "Action Button Cleanup" section for each section, but the freezes return.

DanSheps commented 5 years ago


I will try some profiling of the addon and see if there are any major issues with removing the collectgarbage(), if not I think we will probably be good.