BetaAndBit / ComicBooks

ComicBooks in Beta and Bit series
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Spanish (Latin America) translation #7

Open pachadotdev opened 7 years ago

pachadotdev commented 7 years ago

I wanna do this. Peninsular spanish uses different tenses :)

pbiecek commented 7 years ago

Great thanks!

pachadotdev commented 7 years ago

@pbiecek About

it would be good to cross check translations

a journalist that is a friend of mine will review my text because a statistician writing can be a bit "squared"

d4tagirl commented 7 years ago

Hi! I was going to help with this, I'm uruguayan - South America - so if you need an extra pair of hands let me know! I can also cross check your translation.

pbiecek commented 7 years ago


pachadotdev commented 7 years ago

@danielavazquez cool ! Tonight I'm sending a draft. A journalist will see it later.

pachadotdev commented 7 years ago



I've been late today because of internet problems. In a few hours I'll send the draft

pachadotdev commented 7 years ago

@pbiecek @danielavazquez

here's page 1 ok, how about if we split it?

pachadotdev commented 7 years ago

I'm on page 4 ... I'm working while the computer calculates things in R

d4tagirl commented 7 years ago

Perfect! Do you want me to continue from where you left off?

pachadotdev commented 7 years ago

@danielavazquez sure ! shall I enable editing in the document?

d4tagirl commented 7 years ago


pachadotdev commented 7 years ago

@danielavazquez done !

pachadotdev commented 7 years ago

@danielavazquez page 4 is ok, page 5 and ongoing need translation

d4tagirl commented 7 years ago

I'm on it!

d4tagirl commented 7 years ago

The first draft is ready! I left you a couple of comments. Keep me posted!

pachadotdev commented 7 years ago


Cool ! I'll send this to the journalist

pachadotdev commented 7 years ago

@pbiecek @danielavazquez


Here's a transcript in spanish

pachadotdev commented 7 years ago

@pbiecek @danielavazquez

I left a pull request

pbiecek commented 7 years ago

Wow, you are super fast, thank you! I will create a pdf file with this translation and ask you for proof-checking Thanks!

pbiecek commented 7 years ago

Here is the pdf Please proof-check it

pachadotdev commented 7 years ago

@pbiecek cool ! I'm gonna read it later

pachadotdev commented 7 years ago


Some corrections:

Translation: @danielavazquez is missing and should be included for the 50% of the translation

Page 1: "El superpoder de Beta es en Análisis de Datos" should be "El superpoder de Beta es el Análisis de Datos"

Page 8: says "con\ce\ntración" but the correct division is "con\cen\tra\ción"

well done !!

pbiecek commented 7 years ago

Thanks, updated version is here:

Let me know if 'ilustrationes' id divided correctly (or maybe there is other, shorter word for it

d4tagirl commented 7 years ago

It is divided correctly and it is the correct word to use :) It is really nice!!