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quire structure ESagm003 #1153

Open thea-m opened 5 years ago

thea-m commented 5 years ago

there seems to be a problem with the quire structure encoding of ESagm003 that leads to the record not being shown on the app. I commented <collation> out so that the record can be displayed for now, but maybe it is fixable.

eu-genia commented 5 years ago

Resolved (partially): the error was caused by a problem in q12 where the description was correct but the script did not manage to resolve the sequence with "stub before" in the sequence with two consecutive stubs "s.l. 3, stub before 9; 4, stub after 8", I had to change it to "stub after" and reverse the sequence of singletons as "4, stub after 8; 3, stub after 8", now it works fine - but maybe @PietroLiuzzo can tell me why "stub before" does not work and whether it should... (I believe it used to work as I tend to check the MSS on BM, but maybe I did skip this one...)

<item xml:id="q12">
                                 <dim unit="leaf">9</dim>
                                 <locus from="64r" to="72v"/> XI(9; s. l.: 1, stub after 9;
                                4, stub after 8; 3, stub after 8/fols. 64r-72v) </item>

q12 looks like (shown correctly now) 69---- ----70 68---- ----71 67---- -stub 66---- -stub 65---- ----72 64---- -stub

There is another issue in this collation that maybe @PietroLiuzzo can help with:

<item xml:id="q21">
                                 <dim unit="leaf">10</dim>
                                 <locus from="128r" to="137v"/> XX(8; s. l.: 3, stub after 3; 8, stub after 3/fols.
                                 129r-137v) </item>

is described correctly (used to be wrong but now checked on images and fixed) but is processed wrongly in the diagram, probably because of the inserted singleton.

The graph should be

132----- -----133 131----- -----134 stub- -----135 stub- 130---- (stub above) 129----- -----136 128----- -----137