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Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung
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Open eu-genia opened 4 years ago

eu-genia commented 4 years ago

This issue is for those working with BM environment without direct access to the Zotero group

Please list here the bibliographic records that you want to be created in Zotero, with the tag you would like to use in your XML record. Please try to follow the rules as specified here Note that the tag must follow the convention bm:AuthorYYYYkeyword (for editions with translation, bm:AuthorYYYYkeywordText, bm:AuthorYYYYkeywordVersio). Please specify the BM record where you are using the tag, so that in case we have to fix it we can quickly retrieve the path. Thank you. @MarcinKrawczuk

MarcinKrawczuk commented 4 years ago

Full bibliographic record: Beylot, R., Un témoin éthiopien inédit du Gradus 5 de Jean Climaque, Collegeville EMML 1939, folio 102ro-113vo, in: Pensée grecque et sagesse d'Orient: Hommage à Michel Tardieu (Turnhout: Brepols, 2009) pp. 89-107.

Tag: bm:Beylot2009Jean

@eu-genia Will that be acceptable?

eu-genia commented 4 years ago

Dear Marcin, I have now created the record, note that for the future it would be helpful if you follow the Zotero guidelines, meaning that the citation must be complete - with the names of the editors, the series title and number, etc. When entering the data the names should be provided in full; they appear in short form when the bibliography in our style is created, but potentially people may use the bibliography in any other style available on Zotero

HLCES style Beylot, R. 2009. „Un témoin éthiopien inédit du Gradus 5 de Jean Climaque, Collegeville EMML 1939, folio 102r⁰-113v⁰“, in M. A. Amir Moezzi, J.-D. Dubois, C. Jullien, und F. Jullien, eds, Pensée grecque et sagesse d’Orient: Hommage à Michel Tardieu, Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Religieuses, 142 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2009), 89–107.

Chicago style Beylot, Robert. „Un témoin éthiopien inédit du Gradus 5 de Jean Climaque, Collegeville EMML 1939, folio 102r⁰-113v⁰“. In Pensée grecque et sagesse d’Orient: Hommage à Michel Tardieu, herausgegeben von Muhammad Ali Amir Moezzi, Jean-Daniel Dubois, Christelle Jullien, und Florence Jullien, 89–107. Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Religieuses 142. Turnhout: Brepols, 2009.

Since it is helpful when tags are more "transparent" I suggest using the longer string bm:Beylot2009JeanClimaque

Please use this updated tag in your records

And please remember to provide the ID of the record you are using the citation in, just in case we check the tag consistency. Thank you.

smaugustine commented 3 years ago

Getatchew Haile. “Lamentation of the Soul (Säqoqawä Näfs).” In Ethiopian Studies in Honour of Amha Asfaw, 225–56. New York, 2017.

Thank you!

eu-genia commented 3 years ago


smaugustine commented 3 years ago

Already in Zotero but needs a bm: tag:

Getatchew Haile. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church’s Tradition on the Holy Cross. Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity 10. Leiden–Boston, MA: Brill, 2018.

eu-genia commented 3 years ago


When tags (or titles) are missing, you can create tags following the guidelines and use them in your records - and drop your suggestion here for me to check

smaugustine commented 3 years ago

Two items to add, the first a thesis from AAU, the second an anonymously published book:

Petros Solomon (Abba). “Sälotä Petros: text edition, translation and philological reflections.” Addis Ababa University, September 2012. <;.

ጸሎቱ ለጴጥሮስ ዘ፯ዕቱ ዕለታት. አዲስ አበባ: ትንሣኤ ዘጉባኤ ማተሚያ ቤት, ፲፱፻፺፪ ዓ/ም.

Thank you!

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

bm:Petros2012SalotaPetros bm:SalotaPetros1992

smaugustine commented 3 years ago

@eu-genia Apologies, one minor correction: The book ጸሎቱ ለጴጥሮስ ዘ፯ቱ ዕለታት፡ has a subtitle ዘዘወትር ጸሎት፥ አፈ መላእክት፥ ወመርበብተ ሰሎሞን፥. I copied the info from my Zotero library, which apparently lacked the subtitle, but I also happen have a physical copy.


PietroLiuzzo commented 3 years ago

Schneider_1989_L'évangéliaire de Dabra Liba nos de Ham.pdf can somebody please help me entering a correct Zotero record for this publication? thanks!

DariaElagina commented 3 years ago

I made a record, however, I can not enter the last page. I could check it when I will be in the office (the weekend).

MarcinKrawczuk commented 3 years ago

@DariaElagina I've checked the EAe vol. 2, p.981 and it says that Schneider's article is only one page long. So it's 163.

DariaElagina commented 3 years ago

Thank you, @MarcinKrawczuk

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

bm:Schneider1989Ham, see the top of the issue

PietroLiuzzo commented 3 years ago

thanks to all

Giuliacas commented 3 years ago

I would need please the following records to be added to zotero:

eu-genia commented 3 years ago


Giuliacas commented 3 years ago

I would need please the following records to be added to Zotero:

Thank you

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

done, but check Vossius - you wanted 1642 (?) but linked to 1668

Giuliacas commented 3 years ago

thank you for the indication! I made a mistake filling out the form, I add below the right bibliographical record and the right tag:

eu-genia commented 3 years ago


Giuliacas commented 3 years ago

Please I would need the following records to be added to Zotero:

Thank you

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

bm:Thevenot1672Relations bm:Bona1672Rerum bm:Allacci1648Symmikton bm:Gois1532Legatio bm:Maffei1589Historiarum bm:Buxtorf1641Synagoga bm:Urreta1610Historia

Giuliacas commented 3 years ago

Please, I'd need the following records to be added to Zotero:

Thank you!

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

bm:Teles1660Historia bm:Gois1602Rebus bm:Allacci1648Ecclesia bm:Gois1540Fides

Giuliacas commented 3 years ago

Please, I would need the following records to be added to Zotero:

Thank you!

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

bm:Ramusio1550Navigationi bm:Brerewood1679Scrutinium bm:Bermudes1875Relacao - note this is the title linked, it for sure is NOT the one used by Ludolf (it is an edition of 1875, not the original 1565, and uses a different orthography) - so I also created additionally bm:Bermudes1565Relacao bm:Purchas1625Pilgrimes2 (but check that the volume and the version are exact, there were many editions) bm:Giovio1560Historiarum1 bm:Baltazar1609Fundacion bm:Giffre1635voyage bm:Baratti1670Travels

Giuliacas commented 3 years ago

Please, when possible, I would need the following records to be added to Zotero:

Thank you!

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

bm:Sandoval1647Salute - can the volume be specified? there are two, it is difficult to remove the volume number from the title which then continues in Genitive... (Tomo I de ...) ((note that tags should be always prefixed (bm:)))

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

Tag Higuera1595Republicas corrected into bm:Roman1595Republicas (main surname comes first) Tag DosSantos109Ethiopia corrected into bm:DosSantos1609Ethiopia (year) Tag Orosio1574Rebus corrected into bm:Osorio1574Rebus (surname)

bm:Brerewood1679Scrutinium was already created in previous request last month (see above)

Giuliacas commented 3 years ago

bm:Sandoval1647Salute - it's the first volume. Thank you!

Giuliacas commented 3 years ago

Please, I would need the following records to be added to Zotero, thank you.

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

tag bm:DeJesu1613Salute has to be corrected into bm:Tomas1613Salute (DeJesu is not a surname) bm: Oldenburger1675Thesaurus; bm: Horn1666Arca - space after bm: to be deleted

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

bm:Kircher1652Oedipus - vol. I only correct? or more needed?

Tag bm:Dapper1670Umbständliche has to be changed to bm:Dapper1670Umbstaendliche (only ASCII symbols allowed)

Tag bm:Doreus1548Novum must be changed into bm:TasfaSeyon1548Novum (the editor is Tasfa Seyon = Petrus Aethiops, Doreus is just the printing house, the correct title is "Testamentum Nouum cum epistola Pauli ad Hebreos tantum, cum concordantijs euangelistarum Eusebij & numeratione omnium verborum eorundem. Missale cum benedictione incensi ceræ ... Chaldea, quæ omnia frater Petrus Ethyops ... imprimi curauit"); a better (fuller) PDF with the title pages is here - please verify

Tag bm:Tenzel1685Ritu must be changed into bm:Goetze1685Ritu (Tenzel is the academic supervisor of the dissertation, the author of the dissertation is Goetze, as the full title reads "De Ritu Lectionum Sacrarum, Praeside M. Wilhelmo Ernesto Tentzelio, Ordin. Philos. Adiuncto, Publice Disseret Georg. Henricus Goezius, Lipsiensis. Ad D. V. Decembr. MDCXXCV. In Auditorio Maiori")

Giuliacas commented 3 years ago

bm:Kircher1652Oedipus - the vol. I is sufficient at the moment. Other modifications are correct, thank you!

I would also need the following records to be added to Zotero, please:

Thank you!

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

bm:Cotavicus1619Itinerarium actually the name of the author is Cootwijk - in Latin rendered as Cotovicus; so the tag should be changed, at least to bm:Cotovicus1619Itinerarium

bm:Huygen1599Navigatio the name is Van Linschoten, so should be changed to bm:Linschoten1599Navigatio

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

bm:Thevenot1665Relation - I have a problem with this one there is also another edition of the same book, same author, same year, same layout, same place, but a different printer (not Billaine but Iolly) in the same room of the same palace! how can we know which to cite... Just in case I also created bm:Thevenot1665RelationBis for the latter

On the other hand I also found the first edition of the same, printed with Billaine, but in 1663 (or 1664, not quite clear, as the last digit is added by hand)

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

bm:Roth1609Reyssbuch ---> bm:Feyerabend1609Reyssbuch - there are two volumes,, is only the first one correct? Roth is publisher, not the author, the editor of the first part is Sigmund Feyerabend, the editors of the second part are Radziwiłł, Zuallart, and Schweigger.
If only volume one is quoted then the correct tag should be bm:Feyerabend1609Reyssbuch

eu-genia commented 3 years ago

bm:Roger1664Terre - the link above goes to another title. I could find for 1664 but also a 1646 edition, for the latter the tag is bm:Roger1646Terre.