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Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung
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Questions on lists + exptit #1983

Open eu-genia opened 2 years ago

eu-genia commented 2 years ago

1) some lists (e.g. textpartstitles) have items listed with the attribute corresp, e.g. <item change="entryAddedAt2022-03-04T12:02:44.369+01:00" corresp="LIT2317Senodo#Wisdom">Senodos, On Wisdom (same as</item> while e.g. institutions have item xml:id, e.g. <item xml:id="INS0969Munich5kont" change="entryAddedAt2021-12-02T13:44:13.338+01:00">Museum Five Continents</item> naturally, xml:id does not take # for sub-ids, but we sometimes may have sub-ids also in institutions, possibly should be changed

2) in the textpartstitles the corresp for works now takes the form of a full URI, e.g. <item change="entryAddedAt2022-01-29T18:41:28.455+01:00" corresp="">Gǝbra Ḥǝmāmāt, Mass</item> and creates doublets of records too

should the prefix be removed everywhere or added everywhere? are doublets a problem? LIT1544Gebrah#Mass and

it still takes the pure ID for other types of records (needed?) <item change="entryAddedAt2022-01-29T20:47:16.151+01:00" corresp="EMIP03153#a1">Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Yale Collection, Ethiopic 25, Guest Text a1</item> (manually cleaned out for now)

3) repopulating after moving files to another (numbered) directory results in doublets that disturb performance 4) since new release, the items are added to the list without line breaks image

(may be something to fix in exptit.xqm?)

eu-genia commented 2 years ago

Is this the desired behavior that every text element in msDesc (msItems but also additions, decoNotes, colophons etc) is now written into the textpartstitles list? Is this truly necessary?

<item change="entryAddedAt2022-02-09T02:32:45.929+01:00" corresp="EMIP00197#a1">Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Marwick Codex 35, Ownership Note a1</item>
                <item change="entryAddedAt2022-02-09T02:32:45.929+01:00" corresp="EMIP00197#e1">Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Marwick Codex 35, no id e1</item>
                <item change="entryAddedAt2022-02-09T02:32:45.929+01:00" corresp="EMIP00197#d1">Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Marwick Codex 35, decoNote d1</item>
                <item change="entryAddedAt2022-02-09T02:32:45.929+01:00" corresp="EMIP00197#ms">Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Marwick Codex 35, msDesc ms</item>
                <item change="entryAddedAt2022-02-09T02:32:54.933+01:00" corresp="EMIP00247#coloph1">Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Alwan Codex 37, colophon coloph1</item>
<item change="entryAddedAt2022-02-09T02:32:54.933+01:00" corresp="EMIP00247#a4">Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Alwan Codex 37, Record Transaction a4</item>
                <item change="entryAddedAt2022-02-09T05:36:04.056+01:00" corresp="EMIP00387#ms_i1">Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Young Codex 1,  (in ms_i1)</item>
                <item change="entryAddedAt2022-02-09T05:36:04.056+01:00" corresp="EMIP00387#ms_i1_1">Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Young Codex 1,  ms_i1_1</item>
                <item change="entryAddedAt2022-02-09T05:36:04.056+01:00" corresp="EMIP00387#ms_i1_2">Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Young Codex 1,  ms_i1_2</item>
                <item change="entryAddedAt2022-02-09T05:36:04.056+01:00" corresp="EMIP00387#ms_i1_3">Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Young Codex 1,  ms_i1_3</item>
                <item change="entryAddedAt2022-02-09T05:36:04.056+01:00" corresp="EMIP00387#ms_i1_4">Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Young Codex 1,  ms_i1_4</item>
                <item change="entryAddedAt2022-02-09T05:36:04.056+01:00" corresp="EMIP00387#ms_i1_5">Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Young Codex 1,  ms_i1_5</item>
eu-genia commented 2 years ago

Line breaks reintroduced