Open eu-genia opened 2 years ago
The SPARQL API and endpoint, as well as the triplestore do work. There seems however not to be sufficient data stored there.
then as I assumed this must be related to
I have checked the RDF data and there is a problem caused by the data2rdf.xslt which concatenates things of this kind
I have identified the offending places and fixed the XSLT.
I am now setting up an environment to rebuild the RDF data and newly upload it. This will take sometime and perhaps you prefer to do it yourself instead?
It should be sufficient to
The new data will replace the old.
The other issue may be solved similarly by replacing the current files in there and updating the switch to park the non matching files to another directory. This will remediate the broken rdf alternate links. This is again easy but time consuming. Let me know if you want me to do that or you can do it.
It is perfectly fine if you can do it, thank you!
(sorry, just for information: the switch to update, so that the RDFs are sorted where they belong - which one is that?)
ok, I am now checking also other issues and will keep this last to optimize time.
gender should work now and all data is being currently updated (mss and persons are done, rest follows as needed)
the literature sankey chart also has issues with range indexes.... I added a s missing at line 78 of LitFlowRest.xqm
The RDF data in fuseki has been cleared of the above errors running the following query from a separate instance.
xquery version "3.1";
import module namespace fusekisparql = ''at "xmldb:exist:///db/apps/BetMas/fuseki/fuseki.xqm";
import module namespace config = "" at "xmldb:exist:///db/apps/BetMas/modules/config.xqm";
let $dataset := 'betamasaheft'
let $operation := 'DELETE'
let $triples := '?sub ?pred ?obj'
let $selector := "?sub ?pred ?obj .
fusekisparql:editSelection($dataset, $operation, $triples, $selector)
the function called there is the following
declare function fusekisparql:editSelection($dataset, $InsertOrDelete, $triples, $selector) {
let $url := $fusekisparql:port||$dataset||'/update'
let $sparqlupdate := $config:sparqlPrefixes || $InsertOrDelete || '
} WHERE { ' || $selector || '}'
let $req :=
let $post := http:send-request($req)[2]
expanded data has been downloaded in end of June and now entirely retransformed. collection.xconf applied to expanded, and data imported in exist-db 6.0.1 instance, then run following
for $file in $context
let $start-time := util:system-time()
let $rdf := try{transform:transform($file, $local:data2rdf, ())} catch * {util:log('info', $file),util:log('info', $err:description)}
let $updateFuseki := try{updatefuseki:update($rdf, 'INSERT')} catch * {$err:description}
let $runtime-ms := ((util:system-time() - $start-time) div xs:dayTimeDuration('PT1S'))
'stored RDF/XML and updated fuseki in ' || $runtime-ms
on each collection with corrected version of data2rdf.xslt. run on local exist-db 6.0.1 instance as well, tested storing to apache jena fuseki 4.5 then used to store data to bm apache fuseki instance (4.3)
Just going through: I still get the same error in LitFlow (I do see the keywords) Is it me who is doing something wrong?
as reported, this is likely to have something to do with the indexes. As you read in the error it is the $field parameter of the range indexes function which is getting nothing.
gender gives few results, just 4 women, some data must be missing... it used to be more
i did repopulate the rdf folders in the app as suggested
the transformation result was wrong as all rdfs had gender male. xslt corrected, persons reuploaded to fuseki. now the women are 81 (and 1071 male)
the loading times for sparql through xq are very slow, it works faster from the endpoint at
visualization of sparql results with with d3sparql is not working
also graphs etc for gender are not working
rdf files are not produced automatically fuseki bm database is not being updated since the new release (except for dillmann, dillmann works ok)
No SPARQL search is possible, meaning also that the Gender page is not working. I am not sure I have the time and energy to fix it so I would hide the Gender button here LitFlow also does not work but maybe I can fix it, if not then I would take that one out too. They can be re-inserted once the past functionality is back in place.