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Life and teachings of Maqābis of Hor #2095

Closed thea-m closed 2 years ago

thea-m commented 2 years ago

I believe there is no work record for the life of Maqābis (apparently also called Maqārəs in the text) of Hor, attested in BLorient770 and D'Abbadie 59 (both digitised). I also could find no references at all to this text in the EAe or Kinefe Regb. I would suggest to create a work record, but maybe I'm missing something? @DenisNosnitsin1970 @eu-genia

DenisNosnitsin1970 commented 2 years ago

I have never heard of Maqabis, if not a mistake for Maqares, possibly one of the Egyptian monks.

eu-genia commented 2 years ago

I have checked both MSS and both do say መቃቢስ in the incipit title.

image image

And no, we don't have this name in the EAe at all. (Neither Hor). To my ear both sound "foreign" (Egyptian?) - but the biography is very different from Macarius the Great, so surely a different person

There is a St Maqares in the EAe from monastic genealogy of Abiya Egzi (PRS6692Maqares.) but I think the one in the genealogy is actually PRS6427Macarius, i.e. Macarius the Great.

So I would say yes, new work new person.

eu-genia commented 2 years ago

@MarcinKrawczuk have you encountered such saint in your research?

MarcinKrawczuk commented 2 years ago

I will think about over the weekend. As for Hor, I'm attaching two pages from Amélineau, but it's not very illuminating. Hour.pdf

eu-genia commented 2 years ago

PS just a note, the name Maqābis in Ethiopic tradition is also used for "Maccabeus", from the Book of Maccabees Dillmann: (see also Horowitz p. 195,

eu-genia commented 2 years ago

An Abba Maqābis is commemorated in the Synaxary (also Budge) on 11 Yakkatit, but there is no Vita (just "And on this day also is celebrated the commemoration of Abraham the bishop, and Kanti, and Abba Makabis (Maccabaeus) the monk. "

And then there is another one (? or the same) with dies natalis on 7 Hamle: "And on this day also died the holy father Abba Makabis (Maccabaeus), who fought the fight in the desert of Hur and pleased God." (Budge)

So Budge also interprets the name as Maccabaeus. And the one on 7 Hamle is the one from BLorient770 and Abbadie 59.

The accessible version of the Coptic synaxary does not have him for 7 Abib (only Shenute and Ignatius), so it seems that he is a local after all.