BetaMasaheft / Documentation

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[bug] schema modifications reflect unexpanded schema changes on expanded schema #2193

Open duncdrum opened 2 years ago

duncdrum commented 2 years ago

The only currently actively maintained schema is the set of files called tei-betamasaheft.* in the schema collection. The expanded schema tei-betamasaheft-expanded.* intended for use on the expanded files has drifted out of sync. tei-betamasaheft-cdcc.* does not seem to be in active use.

Ultimately we will need to come to a shared human-machine understanding of what constitutes a valid file as a basis for the tei-publisher app, and how to implement it at each step of the publishing pipeline.

This involves:

We have multiple options in either directions. So this is largely a question to the current project members of what they would like us to work on, and what they consider to be the best approach in line with their goals.

eu-genia commented 2 years ago
eu-genia commented 2 years ago

I have now updated the expanded schema (tei-betamasaheft-expanded) to reflect the changes carried out in the unexpanded one, and set all lists to open, so that it should validate more or less anything ) I have tried it out on the expanded files, which do not have validation errors, but get the error message image probably the issue with the link <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="xmldb:exist:///db/apps/lists/canonicaltaxonomy.xml"><xi:fallback><p>Definitions of prefixes used.</p></xi:fallback></xi:include> ?

duncdrum commented 2 years ago

Yes I suspect so, modifying the syntax of the xincludes is something we'll need to look into soon.