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New ID for Homily on Abraham and Sarah in Egypt attributed to Ephrem the Syrian #2339

Open AaronButts opened 1 year ago

AaronButts commented 1 year ago

I have been unable to locate an ID for the Homily on Abraham and Sarah in Egypt attributed to Ephrem the Syrian. The text begins:

ድርሳን፡ ዘይቤ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ማር፡ ኤፍሬም፡ በእንተ፡ አብርሃም፡ አበ፡ አበው፡ ዐርከ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወበእንተ፡ ሰራ፡ ብእሲቱ፡ እንበይነ፡ በአቶሙ፡ ምድረ፡ ግብጽ፡ እስመ፡ እግዚአብሔር ...

The text was published in the following article:

Caquot, André 1988. “Une homélie éthiopienne attribuée à saint Mari Éphrem sur le séjour d’Abraham et Sara en Égypte,” in Mélanges Antoine Guillaumont. Contributions à l’étude des christianismes orientaux., Cahiers d’Orientalisme, 20 (Genève: Patrick Cramer, 1988), 173–185.

One of Caquot's two manuscripts was Gunda Gunde 16 ff. 5r-20v (= C3-IV-154).

Bibliography connecting the Ethiopic text to its Arabic Vorlage, which in turn was translated from Syriac (though not genuine Ephrem) includes: A. M. Butts, “Embellished with Gold: The Ethiopic Reception of Syriac Biblical Exegesis,” Oriens Christianus 97 (2013/2014): 137-159, at 152.

If there is not already an ID for this text (I don't think there is...), could one be created? Thanks!

MarcinKrawczuk commented 1 year ago

I don't see it either. I have taken the liberty of creating a tag in Zotero for Caquot's edition (bm:Caquot1988Homelie) so that you may give it in the work record.

thea-m commented 1 year ago

Thank you (also Marcin for the tag)! I agree, I'll create it.

thea-m commented 1 year ago

Actually, is it this record? See EAe II, 137 If this refers to the same work, I will delete the newly created record and update the older one instead. Sorry for the confusion.

AaronButts commented 1 year ago

Sorry, mea culpa! Yes, indeed, that is it.

Thank you for updating 1281 with the new information!

Sorry about this confusion!

thea-m commented 1 year ago

Well, I was the one who should have found it. For your information, searching for Ephrem and filtering by textual units was what brought the success.

AaronButts commented 1 year ago

Thanks for letting me know!

Sorry for these silly questions, but why is the text not listed under the person "St Ephrem the Syrian"? That is what caused my initial problem. I went to the following:

And was systematically working through the texts; maybe I am missing something obvious, or just made a mistake, but I don't see CAe 1281 here.

Or to put it another way: Under the file of CAe 1281, the authorship is not fully interactive. It is not connected to the person Ephrem.

Thanks so much!!!

thea-m commented 1 year ago

That is due to the system according to which records are edited. It seems that no one came yet across a manuscript containing this homily, so its record was never significantly edited (though the CAVT reference was added at some point) after its initial conversion from the EAe index, which included the statement attributed authorship of Ephrem. No one had the task to systematically mark up all mentions of Ephrem or similar, so that the records were not connected yet.

MarcinKrawczuk commented 4 months ago

Not sure it matters but this text is also to be found here at f. 46r-59r.