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Letter of the 318 Fathers of Nicaea concerning apostates #2355

Closed MarcinKrawczuk closed 1 year ago

MarcinKrawczuk commented 1 year ago

In Vat Borg. et. 2, f. 173r-174v (Senodos) there is a letter of the 318 fathers concerning apostates who want to return to the church. I have managed to locate it in only one other Senodos ms. i. e. BnF Eth. 121 f. 70r. I cannot find a work record for it.

My intuition is that it is something like LIT1313Discou or LIT2693CanR i. e. a text which is included in the Senodos relatively rarely.

Would it be correct to create a work record for it?

@thea-m @DenisNosnitsin1970 @eu-genia

Zrzut ekranu 2023-05-10 223351

eu-genia commented 1 year ago

let us check with @abausi he would know for sure

abausi commented 1 year ago

In fact, I know this text very well, since I edited it, also using this manuscript, and discussing its position in the stemma codicum: see Alessandro Bausi, ‘L’Epistola 70 di Cipriano di Cartagine in versione etiopica’, Aethiopica, 1 (1998), 101–130. It is in fact a text that occurs rarely in Sinodos MSS, but occurs also in the Aksumite Collection, there with a foreword and a list of names. It has already received the CAe 1348. The attribution to the Nicaene fathers in this MS is pseudepigraphical (but it occurs also in other MSS).

eu-genia commented 1 year ago

so please use LIT1348Epistl