Open thea-m opened 6 months ago
@thea-m you must always exactly show
what you have vs what you want to have
so far I see some vague wishes but I do not see precisely what is wrong and how exactly it should be corrected
I also do not see in the branch anything from your current catalogue version. Please update the branch you want me to work with with ALL the files so that I do not have to recreate them (drive, fo, etc). Thank you
the branch seems to lack also the content for
can it be? please make sure that the branch you want me to work with contains EVERYTHING that you are working with
I have now created the bibliography file but it would have been easier to simply share the same set of files. Make sure that what is on catalogue branch, except for the mss, is exactly what you are using
I think the first point was not resolved already because you reacted with thumbs up to a selection of proposals, of which the last one does not require any changes in the code. So it was not clear that you want anything to be done here.
Your second point Content of page header of PDF: left page: title of catalogue (this is no problem); right page: MS Shelfmark (currently: left authors, right "catalogue"). A solution to have the running shelfmark is available in FO.
is it not the one I had already resolved in ? - this first issue can only be attempted to be solved if all the encoding is fully consistent.
e.g. if I tell the code to print the labels instead of the titles, it may work, but then you will have no titles in cases where there are no labels provided for textparts in works
<div type="textpart" subtype="chapter" xml:id="Monday"/>
<div type="textpart" subtype="chapter" xml:id="Tuesday"/>
<div type="textpart" subtype="chapter" xml:id="Wednesday"/>
<div type="textpart" subtype="chapter" xml:id="Thursday"/>
<div type="textpart" subtype="chapter" xml:id="Friday"/>
<div type="textpart" subtype="chapter" xml:id="Saturday"/>
<div type="textpart" subtype="chapter" xml:id="Zekra">
Pietro suggested two options
In any case change in data is necessary. Option 2 does not request any changes in the code.
Thank you! I have updated the branch with the files.
I have fixed the labels (labels when present, IDs when not) and I have reinserted the change for headers.
For all points : please do not describe, show precisely (snapshots) what is wrong and how it should be. Thank you.
note that the code does not help when the problem is in the data. (1) for the moment only titles with xml:lang attribute are printed, so if there is no xml:lang attribute these will be ignored (2) for the moment the code looks in the works for the first listed Ethiopic title and prints it with its English translation, even if it comes as t3 or t4. (3) for titles in Fidel, the code looks for English first, so if the title is only in Fidel, there will be an empty space
this must be all clearly defined or there will be no good result - it must rely on very standardized data or have a very flexible and clearly defined code
I have relaxed the code and updated some of the work files, if errors arise the xml data should be fixed first (NB in some cases I have discovered the data is fixed in github but not on the app)
The latest change in XQM now in the branch is with decorations - was that you? does it work? it is very difficult to work on the same files parallelly. If I should be doing anything noone else should (obviously Pietro already took the version without my updates, and now I see that the version of today is different from the one I had last week from you, this cannot work like this, I am sorry)
Thank you! The latest change from me was copying the files from my folder to the branch, so that this becomes authoritative. I am not doing any work in it. The decorations edit does not work (it is there for archival purposes as it used to work in PDFold.xql, but I must have made an error in copy pasting. that's why it's commented out)
The titles are great like that, thank you. This is already a huge help! I will add the screenshots. For the general workflow, maybe we can discuss it orally tomorrow or in the next days rather than here.
Please clearly illustrate what you see and what you need instead. E.g.
seg part="I"
? would be better to have ... at the end, incipit sounds very very strange herecollation does not seem to match the XML, notes for items are not printed (intended?), numbering changed (intended?), loci for stubs etc not printed,
<item xml:id="q1" n="1">
<dim unit="leaf">2</dim>
<locus from="1r" to="2v"/>
<item xml:id="q2" n="2">
<dim unit="leaf">8</dim>
<locus from="3r" to="10v"/>
<item xml:id="q3" n="3">
<dim unit="leaf">6</dim>
<locus from="11r" to="16v"/>
<note>The folios have been sewn together at a later stage.</note>
<item xml:id="q4" n="4">
<dim unit="leaf">8</dim>
<locus from="17r" to="24v"/>
<item xml:id="q5" n="5">
<dim unit="leaf">6</dim>
<locus from="25r" to="30v"/>
<item xml:id="q6" n="6">
<dim unit="leaf">5</dim>
<locus from="31r" to="35v"/>
<item xml:id="q7" n="7">
<dim unit="leaf">8</dim>
<locus from="36r" to="44v"/>
stub between <locus target="#38"/> and <locus target="#39"/>
stub between <locus target="#41"/> and <locus target="#42"/>
<item xml:id="q8" n="8">
<dim unit="leaf">6</dim>
<locus from="45r" to="50v"/>
<item xml:id="q9" n="9">
<dim unit="leaf">3</dim>
<locus from="51r" to="53v"/>
<note>The folios have been stitched together at a later stage unto <ref target="#q10"/>.</note>
<item xml:id="q10" n="10">
<dim unit="leaf">9</dim>
<locus from="54r" to="62v"/>
2 stubs between <locus target="#61"/> and <locus target="#62"/>
<item xml:id="q11" n="11">
<dim unit="leaf">4</dim>
<locus from="63r" to="67v"/>
<item xml:id="q12" n="12">
<dim unit="leaf">9</dim>
<locus from="68r" to="76v"/>
<item xml:id="q13" n="13">
<dim unit="leaf">8</dim>
<locus from="77r" to="84v"/>
<item xml:id="q14" n="14">
<dim unit="leaf">8</dim>
<locus from="85r" to="92v"/>
3, stub after 6
6, stub after 3
<item xml:id="q15" n="15">
<dim unit="leaf">9</dim>
<locus from="93r" to="101v"/>
<item xml:id="q16" n="16">
<dim unit="leaf">7</dim>
<locus from="102r" to="108v"/>
<item xml:id="q17" n="17">
<dim unit="leaf">6</dim>
<locus from="109r" to="114v"/>
stub between <locus target="#113"/> and <locus target="#114"/>
<item xml:id="q18" n="18">
<dim unit="leaf">9</dim>
<locus from="115r" to="123v"/>
Does anything need to be fixed here? Would be good to closely compare the XML and the PDF, line by line, and mark what is missing and what is needed in this way. The bar at the end really seems to be the least relevant issue here.
Here there are several issues:
is removed[x] missing layout
elements ruling/pricking (only pattern is printed)
[x] missing ab type punctuation
[x] missing other ab under layout
[x] missing margin dimensions
[x] requested margin style margins: top: 34 mm; bottom: 57 mm; left: 23 mm; right: 35; intercolumn: 14 mm (fol. 46r). (d. 20)
[x] missing note
in layout
[x] <notatedMusic><desc>Musical notation is added interlineally in a secondary hand.</desc></notatedMusic>
is not printed
[x] provenance missing
[x] fol. should not be capitalized after abbreviations
[x] should be m-dash; preferably "and" after between
[x] print key at term as requested
the collation code when describing the quire content (with s.l., stubs etc) has remained the same as in the app and works but the data is not clean the code expects things like (aeth c 14)
<item xml:id="q14" n="14">
<dim unit="leaf">8</dim>
<locus from="85r" to="92v"/>
3, stub after 6
6, stub after 3
with folio numbers RELATIVE to the quire (this is also what is in the guidelines and expected from the main Bm app)
It cannot deal (but neither can the main Bm ap) with descriptions such as
<item xml:id="q10" n="10">
<dim unit="leaf">9</dim>
<locus from="54r" to="62v"/>
2 stubs between <locus target="#61"/> and <locus target="#62"/>
The collations should be corrected.
For now I have suppressed printing any text in the PDF.xql, but this does not resolve the actual problem of data incosistency, to be dealt with at some point.
(Also note that as a rule in Bm we do not split collations, we provide one collation for the entire codex, not for msParts)
decoNotes in decorations NB the space after "harp" comes from the XML data, to fix there
NB the script does a lot on the BM server, causing java storage overflow when bigger collections of mss are processed.
At some point we should try to revise the pdf app to call at least some of the data locally or from GitHub. (Not so easy as the addresses vary but at least when there are lists)
There are still some open issues under makePDF where there is no comment as to what is lacking or I do not know why they are open as they are not repeated here, like here
[x] header for composite mss should have "18 + 1 quires" instead of "18, 1 quires"
[x] History is empty if no text is present
[x] General history in composite mss (outside msPart) not printed
[x] weight not printed
[x] foliation to print
[x] ruling pattern
- locus for layout is repeated but the loci inside of the ab
for the pattern are not
[x] spreadsheet requirement: Print content of all <ab type="pricking"> and <ab type="ruling"> except with subtype="pattern" as continuous text before ruling pattern.
@thea-m the error is not in the xql but in the XML data which has <origDate from="1500" to="1600" evidence="lettering"></origDate>
, expected is @notBefore
and @notAfter
fixing the data gets comma removed by
[x] handDesc requirements (date, scribe)
Hand 1: 1500–1600 (scribe: Walda Ḥǝḍān). Fine and regular handwriting...."; <date notAfter="1868"/> should be "Not after 1868"
[x] Shelfmarks given in altIdentifier should be separated by semicolons (in the header)
[x] insert ':' after text area
[x] remove dot after quires in intro
[x] add intro for parts
[x] print Leaf dimensions ( <dimensions type="leaf" unit="mm" xml:id="leafdim"> in <extent>
) before text area, give the value of locus in <note corresp="#leafdim">
in parantheses at the end of the sentence.
[x] bibliography (Print the citation forms of all works listed in <listBibl type="secondary">
, under header Bibliography, after History)
[x] Index of keywords - <term>
s should be listed in index according to their title, not ID
[x] Index of keywords: subjects should be listed in index of subjects, not index of keywords
[x] blank folia - added to header
in <titleStmt>
is not printed anymore:it should be printed as previously:
The layout of Bibliography can be identical to that in composite manuscripts:
the title is not printed because the code specifies
<fo:block text-align="center" space-before="2mm" space-after="3mm">{$r//tei:titleStmt/tei:title[not(@xml:lang)]/text()}</fo:block>,
meaning "print title without xml:lang", clearly done on purpose (probably to exclude Arabic for DS)
your data has
<title xml:lang="en" xml:id="title1"><hi rendition="simple:italic">Malkǝʾ</hi>-hymns, Excerpts from the New Testament, Miracles of Mary, Miracles of Jesus, Homily by Jacob of Serug on the Angel and the Thief</title>
I suggest you remove the xml:lang="en"
in manuscript titles
List not yet completed, publishing now just to save :)
of msItems pointing to textparts in work records should print the content of<label>
. (Some textparts might not have<label>
, in this case the current rendering can remain) Example:<title type="complete" ref="LIT1828Mahale#Moses1"/>
(BDLaethe30, ms_i1.2) should be printed"First Song of Moses (<foreign xml:lang="gez">ጸሎቱ፡ ለሙሴ፡</foreign>)"
(content of<label>
in LIT1828Mahale#Moses1)
should be printed in the same paranthesis, not two separate ones, e.g.<pb n="130v"/><cb n="a"/>
currently rendered "(fol. 130v) (a)", should be "(fol. 130va)" (BDLaethc14, p2, explicit p2_i1)<hi>
throughout<roleName type="title">
should be rendered in italics<locus target="#105r"/>
, occasional ink smudges, e.g. on<locus target="#71v"/>
;" is now "up to fols 105r, , occasional ink smudges, e.g. on 71v;" (why comma after first locus element and not after second? BDLaethd20, condition)
by semicolon, e.g.<q xml:lang="gez">ሥሉስ፡ ቅዱስ፡</q><q xml:lang="gez">ካህናተ፡ ሰማይ፡</q>
should be printed "ሥሉስ፡ ቅዱስ፡; ካህናተ፡ ሰማይ፡" (BDLaethd20, d1) - to be done in the xml dataBinding
<decoNote xml:id="b4" type="SewingStations">4</decoNote>
as "4" within continuous text
content is currently printed twice, should be only once (e.g. BDLaethd20, coloph1) structure
(in one line, above the content of<signatures>