BetaMasaheft / Documentation

Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung
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Clavis Aethiopica #2560

Open DariaElagina opened 3 months ago

DariaElagina commented 3 months ago

Dear Bm-Team,

is there any specific way to refer to Clavis Aethiopica in a bibliography? I could not find an entry for it in Zotero, should we create one?

Very best


eu-genia commented 3 months ago

You can see how it is done e.g. in this article by AB:

DariaElagina commented 3 months ago

Thank you, @eu-genia , but if I am not mistaken he does not cite it in References, only in the footnotes.

eu-genia commented 2 months ago

Right, but he explains it. Compare also where CAe is explained in abbreviations.