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New CAe ID for a new Liṭon prayer #2561

Open LeonardBahr opened 3 weeks ago

LeonardBahr commented 3 weeks ago

Hello everyone.

I plan to do a little project with Jonas, who will show me how to create CAe IDs or edit existing files for texts found in MSS based on new data so that I will be able to contribute myself and to reduce the work of the BM staff in helping me with requests.

As an example, we will take a so far little or unknown Liṭon prayer that I found in the MS Miṭāq Takla Haymānot EMML 2109. The MS dates to the 15th century. The text is written in 2 columns of 23 lines each. It is found on fols 87vb18–88va15 of the manuscript. The text appears here as one of the seven Liṭon prayers for the weekdays. Interestingly, it replaces the prayer Liṭon tazakkar ʾǝgziʾo (CAe 4268) in this role at is in absent. Each single prayer is introduced by the words Liṭon za-nagh ‘Liṭon of the morning’. The text has been recognised as ‘Liṭon, not found in the printed texts, f. 87b’ by Getatchew Haile in the catalogue and I also shortly discussed it in my MA thesis (Bahr 2023: 23).

Step 1 would be to create the CAe ID and step 2 to add the prayer in the abstract (General description) of CAe 4860, which corresponds to the general record of the Liṭon prayers of the morning. I was advised to open an issue here as the starting point before working with the BM webpage and atom or oxygen.

CarstenHoffmannMarburg commented 3 weeks ago

Sounds convincing!