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Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung
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Manuscripts in Pistoia (Italy) #2585

Closed CarstenHoffmannMarburg closed 1 week ago

CarstenHoffmannMarburg commented 1 month ago

@DenisNosnitsin1970, @karljonaskarlsson, @eu-genia

There is a number of Ethiopian manuscripts in Pistoia, that were described by G. Lusini in Aethiopica (Lusini, Gianfrancesco: I codici etiopici del fondo Martini nella Biblioteca Forteguerriana di Pistoia, in: Aethiopica 5, 2002, p. 156-76.) I could see a folder for Pistoia in oxygen. Have I overlooked something? Is Pistoia still on our to-do list?

DenisNosnitsin1970 commented 1 month ago

I do not know this, sorry. Considering the entire situation, I am not sure.

karljonaskarlsson commented 1 month ago

I also don't know anything about this, sorry.

eu-genia commented 3 weeks ago

There is no folder for Pistoia in the master branch for Manuscripts, I do not know in which branch you are seeing this folder.

CarstenHoffmannMarburg commented 1 week ago

I did not see any folder for Pistoia, but I wanted to suggest to create one and add the manuscripts described in Lusini 2002.

eu-genia commented 1 week ago

It is not on our to-do list for the moment. Lusini, as you well know, has his own major project for a digital catalogue of Ethiopic manuscripts in Italy. When we are in Naples, we could possibly, with him and @abausi , discuss which Italian catalogues may be dealt with by us. For the moment, if you need a new catalogue to work with, note that we already have an issue and there is an open task.