Closed CarstenHoffmannMarburg closed 2 months ago
The link ends with .png (not .tif). Is this relevant to the link, that I am supposed to add to the record? Is the following code OK?
<note>The scribe has filled up the spaces left at the ends of the lines with a special sign (<figure>
<graphic url="BLorient12959/sign1.png"></graphic><desc>Symbol as represented by <bibl>
<ptr target="bm:Strelcyn1978BritishLibrary"/><citedRange unit="page">123</citedRange></bibl>.</desc>
Please follow the example outlined in
I found another new sign in Strelcyns description of BLorient12959, which looks similar to Greek Σ. It Strelcyns catalogue, it looks like that:
Can you create a graphic with that figure, please, as you did in Issue #2569?
Thank you in advance!