BetaMasaheft / Documentation

Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung
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links in text transcription #271

Closed thea-m closed 7 years ago

thea-m commented 7 years ago

When adding text to manuscript entries in the body, the website (for example displays the ID of the Item when indicated, such as p1_i7, but doesn't link to the corresponding section in the entry. I believe this would be helpful (possibly also to display the title of p1_i7 in addition to "p1_i7"). Currently the only way for users to know which work the text is actually taken from is to go back to the entry and find p1_i7 there. (Possible of course that all of this works and I made mistakes in my records) What I wrote in the record is:

<div type="edition">
       <div type="textpart" subtype="chapter" n="8"  xml:lang="gez" xml:id="Chapter8" corresp="#p1_i7">
     <locus target="#50v"/>````
PietroLiuzzo commented 7 years ago

now the app prints for the @corresp the title as in the msItem and the link to the item in the manuscript catalogue view. consider adding the @corresp only once at the outermost level. so for example in the div[@subtype='book'] so it will not be reproduced every time

PietroLiuzzo commented 7 years ago

@thea-m please close if ok