Closed PietroLiuzzo closed 7 years ago
iiif.xql needs to be modified to multiply the units for the range/sequence if the item/decoNote/handNote contains multiple locus elements as in e.g.
<decoNote type="band" xml:id="d2"> Simple, crude ornamental bands (harag): <locus target="#3r"/>, <locus target="#81vb"/>, <locus target="#82ra"/>.</decoNote>
<item xml:id="q11" n="10"> <dim unit="leaf">4</dim> <locus from="92r" to="94v"/> <locus target="#99"/> Between <locus target="#94"/> and <locus target="#99"/> <ref target="#q12">the second codicological unit</ref> is placed. </item>
from ESmr001
iiif.xql needs to be modified to multiply the units for the range/sequence if the item/decoNote/handNote contains multiple locus elements as in e.g.
from ESmr001