Closed PietroLiuzzo closed 6 years ago
I also cannot find a record for CAVT 90 De connnoratione Abrahae et Sarae In Aegypto
117 Mors Joseph ? 141 Arde'et et Acta Moysi (aethiopice) ?
230 Historia Josias ?
Alius sermo de nativitate Henoch (CAVT no. 72): it seems to have been treated in Siegbert Uhlig, Das äthiopische Henochbuch, Gütersloh 1984 (Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit 5), pp. 466ff. Unfortunately I do not have that book at hand now, if none can check the reference I will do as soon as I am in Hamburg. I suspect a new record is anyway needed.
CAVT 90 De connnoratione Abrahae et Sarae In Aegypto: I have two options
141 Arde'et et Acta Moysi (aethiopice): there are five records in the app named Maṣḥafa ʾardǝʾǝt (Book of the disciples), depending on the version, either Christian or Betä Ǝsraʾel, and again if long or short recension. The one at issue should be the Betä Ǝsraʾel version (= LIT3945ArdeetBE), in which Moses (not Jesus) reveals the secret names of God to his disciples. But there are more magical texts known as "Acts (or Prayer) of Moses", two at least published, so this identification still requires more study. Is there any clue in the Clavis?
CAVT 72 (Alius sermo de nativitate Henoch) is the fourth book of the Maṣḥafa mǝśṭira samāy wa-mǝdr (LIT1954Mashaf). Clavis number added to the textpart.
could you commit that? what does to the textpart means? thanks!
<listBibl type="clavis">
<bibl type="CAVT">
<ptr target="bm:CAVT"/>
<citedRange unit="item">72</citedRange>
I see. Thanks! Was this documented in the guidelines? we will have to test the viability of this approch. would not a CAVT id justify a separate record?
please check if the current visualization of this information is satisfactory and that it is not deceiving.
In reality the fourth book of the Maṣḥafa mǝśṭira samāy wa-mǝdr is never found as an autonomous text in any witness of the work. I do not think there is evidence for a separate record,
good, then we only need to make sure that the way the information is visualized at the moment does not deceive a user to think that the whole work equals CAVT 72, right?
The CAVT reference appears in the app but perhaps it needs more visibility.
no, this is exactly the point. The reference is under Chapter 4, but perhaps one would like to see it also under the main title of the work, but obviously referred only to chapter 4
that obviously is no piece of cake :) but I will see what can be done. thanks!
thank you!
CAVT 117 (Mors Joseph) = LIT2458Testam (Testament of Joseph, or ዜናሁ፡ ለዮሴፍ፡)
CAVT 230 (Historia Josias) refers to a work probably dealing with the Israelite king and inserted as an apocryphal appendage to the canonical Jeremiah in an unspecified and not investigated manuscript from a church in Tegray. The information was given by Roger Cowley in 1971. In my view, at present it is too little to create a new record out of this remark.
thanks! I have added in brakets the id of the textpart. I think we can consider this issue closed
I cannot find anything matching n. 72 in CAVT. Alius sermo de nativitate Henoch. this is an example search.
should I create a new record or did I simply miss the correct english title present in the data?