BetaNYC / civic.json

A specification of the civic.json metadata standard for civic technology projects
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Alpha/Beta status #11

Open courtney-rosenthal opened 9 years ago

courtney-rosenthal commented 9 years ago

I'm concerned about the designation of "alpha" and "beta" status.

  1. It's not clear exactly what characteristics should distinguish ideation vs alpha vs beta.
  2. The phrases "alpha" and "beta" are such terms of art that I'm not sure they are readily meaningful.

I'd propose replacing "alpha" with some other term (maybe "in development"), with distinctions:

PhilRumens commented 9 years ago

This is how the UK's Government Digital Service define the different service design phases.

I tend to think of alpha as "some of it works, some of the time" and beta as "most of it works all of the time".

evanwolf commented 9 years ago

Different organizations will use different status labels. Let's acknowledge the reality.

Whilst UK's GDS uses:

Add also:

Add an attribute for status: as-of (date/time)