BetaNYC / projects-list

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mta-bus-monitor-node #57

Open kuanb opened 8 years ago

kuanb commented 8 years ago

This is an implementation of Nathan9's web scraper ( in Node and is designed to be integrated for deployment on a series of Azure virtual machines - see README for further details.

Project intent is to run a series of analyses in real time on MTA OneBusAway's live feed/API. The output generated is aggregated, analyzes, and summarized allowing API users to query for location and data performance from August 2014 to present day, in perpetuity. Data is fed in at 30 second intervals and processed in hourly batches. Results will include arrival and departures against all stops, as well as performance for each segment of route between each stop.

API and aggregated data is hosted on Azure, provided though a Microsoft Civic Tech sponsorship.

Project is hosted online at: