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Internal Server Error caused by mimeMap .json config #1

Open craftworkgames opened 8 years ago

craftworkgames commented 8 years ago

Interesting work you're doing here mate.

I get an internal server error when running the web project from VS2015.

The problem appears to be coming from Web.config here:

  <mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json"  />

If I comment out those lines, it comes good.

I've attached the HTML file (had to rename it to .txt).

IIS 10.0 Detailed Error - 500.19 - Internal Server Error.txt

slyprid commented 8 years ago

Thanks, we'll take a look at it. This was originally compiled in VS2013, so might be something with VS2015. Should go and check all the projects with VS2015. Will update on changes. Thanks again.