BetaX-Community / editor

A tool for editing commute data using the browser
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Renovate #6

Closed luckasRanarison closed 1 month ago

luckasRanarison commented 1 month ago

closes #4.

Still a WIP

puchka commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the PR :partying_face:

I also made some progress in #5 :grinning:

Let's coordinate the changes.

puchka commented 1 month ago


It's been a few days, and I didn't find a way to update the polylines in the map.

I could display them but it's not refreshing when we add new ones.

Any idea here?

I'm wondering if it could be related to @react-google-maps/api as I didn't encounter this problem before.

puchka commented 1 month ago

I will close this one as I merged #7

Thanks @luckasRanarison :pray: :rocket: