BetsyRowley / menstrual-tracker

A full-stack application created for University of St. Thomas course SEIS739.
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Create UML Class Diagrams #15

Closed BetsyRowley closed 4 months ago

BetsyRowley commented 6 months ago

Part 1: Finish the refinement #1

From your collection of sequence diagrams and/or narrations found in refinement #1, create 1 or 2 class diagrams.

Submission. The diagrams should be uploaded to your Kanban board...or a link should be shown on your Kanban board.

All content should be accessible through your Kanban board. (Even if it is a link to your GitHub/bitbucket project!)


BetsyRowley commented 5 months ago

Hey @cklukas16, In order to make sense of classes as I did the refining portion, I started to build out a UML Class Diagram. By no means is it a final draft but it helped me better envision how classes worked together.

If you're interested in adding onto this diagram, here are the steps I took to set this up.

  1. In Visual Studio Code -->Extensions --> PlantUML (v2.18.0)
  2. Manage PlantUML settings --> search for Plantuml: Server --> set to:
  3. Upload the attached file, click on Open Preview to side.
  4. Make edits to the attached file as needed (Link for syntax:

Happy to walk through this via a call as well.

cklukas16 commented 5 months ago

@BetsyRowley You're a rockstar!! I got the extension working and can see the diagram.

What do you think about a class for "calendar" or "month"? I'm thinking the month class would know things like number of days, start DOW, year?, and would hold a list of daily records. Is this superfluous to what we already have? I'm wondering if this would help for display purposes.

cklukas16 commented 5 months ago

@BetsyRowley Is it more accurate to say that a Cycle is made up of HormonePhases and that each HormonePhase is associated with specific exercises?

BetsyRowley commented 5 months ago


I'm sure there are several ways to design this so if something makes more sense to you, let's walk through it!

cklukas16 commented 5 months ago

Makes sense to me. That detail is so helpful. I like the idea of the date being the unique id. That seems like a really elegant solution to a few different organizational challenges. We can talk through more in person this coming weekend.

BetsyRowley commented 4 months ago

@cklukas16 class diagram has been updated and new screenshot included in the Description.

BetsyRowley commented 4 months ago

@cklukas16 change of heart, I decided to remove the hormone phase and exercise classes. The more I thought about it the less sense it made having that data stored in classes (singletons?).

cklukas16 commented 4 months ago

@BetsyRowley No worries. I support that decision.

BetsyRowley commented 4 months ago

One last update, fixed a few typos