Better-Scenes / RimConnect-mod

A Twitch integration for the game RimWorld
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 8 forks source link

Game disconnected from twitch extension. #37

Closed cleio81 closed 2 years ago

cleio81 commented 2 years ago

the game has become disconnected from the twitch extension. The extension is stuck authenticating and has no other actions available the mod in game said connected until i tried to disconnect and reconnect. Now it's just stuck at disconnected.

steps i've tried restarting the game uninstalling the extension from twitch uninstalling the mod from rimworld reconnecting from the mod setting menu in rimwold

Not sure how to proceed. please help.

InfinitySamurai commented 2 years ago

Hey, please drop by our Discord so we can troubleshoot with you. My immediate question is, do you have a lot of mods? We're having some trouble with large event lists coming into our server

InfinitySamurai commented 2 years ago

Uhm, nevermind, server completely crashed overnight, weird

DictatorYug commented 7 months ago

"do you have a lot of mods?" yes, about 250. How many shall I remove? And yes, my game crashes randomly from time to time... And yes, I run it on 10fps... And yes, I have no life.