Better-Scenes / RimConnect-mod

A Twitch integration for the game RimWorld
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 8 forks source link

Feature Request: Loyalty Store Settings Presets #38

Closed Rando303 closed 1 year ago

Rando303 commented 1 year ago

As a user of the mod, I would like to be able to bulk alter the Loyalty Store Settings to preset values to allow for a limited store at the start of a colony, and expanding the store as the colony advances.

The Loyalty Store Settings appear to not be saved locally to the mod XML. Currently, it is a lot of effort to go through and manually edit the settings within the RimWorld mod settings (maintaining a separate side record of desired settings to edit in one item at a time). Exposing the XML/JSON that stores the settings could allow saving off and restoring preset values so that work doesn't need repeated on every colony.

InfinitySamurai commented 1 year ago

Hi Rando303,

Unfortunately exposing that information is not as simple as other mods like Twitch Toolkit which completely runs locally. We use a server between between Twitch and your game where we store the data about your items and their cost.

I understand your frustration with changing large numbers of items, but we have no plans to build a solution to enable JSON import/export.