Better-Scenes / RimConnect-mod

A Twitch integration for the game RimWorld
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 8 forks source link

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Open RZarifov opened 1 year ago

RZarifov commented 1 year ago

I bet it was asked a godzillion times but still.

Even tried to implement one myself via tampermonkey, but I guess it would be wiser to implement one via pull req to this repo.
Therefore I ask - how are things in that regard currently? Maybe devs already implementing them? If not, if I implement such a feature, will the pull request be applied?

InfinitySamurai commented 1 year ago

Hey Xeizzeth,

Yeah if you put together a PR that can create a poll from the mod then I'd be happy to merge it. Main things I'd be thinking about are

It sounds like you've already had a peak at our API requests, but seeing as the server code isn't open source I'll lay out what you need.

If you want to work with me to answer those questions then I'd be happy for you craft a PR.

RZarifov commented 1 year ago

So I assume noone even tried to implement such functionality?
If so, then I will be able to tackle on adding said functionality only after I will be done with my current "Endless Story" mod.