BetterSEQTA / BetterSEQTA-Plus

A continuation of development of the BetterSEQTA chrome extension.
MIT License
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Animation for DM loading #39

Open MEGA-Dawg68 opened 7 months ago

MEGA-Dawg68 commented 7 months ago

could we change the default loading animation for when you search DMs to a EvenBetterSEQTA, it doesn't look very consistent (except for the colours of it)

SethBurkart123 commented 7 months ago

Good point. Not quite sure how to edit it, but I'll have a look at it at some point.

MEGA-Dawg68 commented 7 months ago

No rush, probably just me that noticed it. I was compiling my project and everything slowed down and I saw it :)

ar-cyber commented 2 weeks ago

Needs enhancement tag