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Clojure & ClojureScript Interactive Programming for VS Code
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Errors on every save when `source.organizeImports` is set in `editor.codeActionsOnSave` #2171

Open Limess opened 1 year ago

Limess commented 1 year ago

I'm seeing this popup whenever saving any file in Calva since a recent update, and these in the logs:

[Error - 11:43:36] Request workspace/executeCommand failed.
  Message: Nothing to change.
  Code: -32600 
[Error - 11:43:36] Request workspace/executeCommand failed.
  Message: Nothing to change.
  Code: -32600 
[Error - 11:43:37] Request workspace/executeCommand failed.
  Message: Nothing to change.
  Code: -32600 
[Error - 11:43:40] Request workspace/executeCommand failed.
  Message: Nothing to change.
  Code: -32600 
[Error - 11:43:40] Request workspace/executeCommand failed.
  Message: Nothing to change.
  Code: -32600 
[Error - 11:43:41] Request workspace/executeCommand failed.
  Message: Nothing to change.
  Code: -32600 
[Error - 11:43:41] Request workspace/executeCommand failed.
  Message: Nothing to change.
  Code: -32600 
[Error - 11:43:41] Request workspace/executeCommand failed.
  Message: Nothing to change.
  Code: -32600 
[Error - 11:43:42] Request workspace/executeCommand failed.
  Message: Nothing to change.
  Code: -32600 
[Error - 11:43:42] Request workspace/executeCommand failed.
  Message: Nothing to change.
  Code: -32600 
[Error - 11:43:43] Request workspace/executeCommand failed.
  Message: Nothing to change.
  Code: -32600 

I'm assuming this is the same issue as, but wanted to open a new issue to confirm as the messaging is different, and not obviously tied to a specific action.

PEZ commented 1 year ago

It's good with a separate issue. I can't reproduce this one. What can you tell us about your setup? Operating system? Do you hava some settings for things that should happen on save?

I think that configuring Calva to use the previous version of clojure-lsp should get rid of the problem for you.

PEZ commented 1 year ago

Ping @bpringe @ericdallo . I think we need to figure out some way for Calva to filter away these notifications. Right now all I can think of is to create a an LSP proxy that Calva uses, but I hope there should be less complicated ways.

ericdallo commented 1 year ago

I'm wondering if it's the same issue, saving has nothing related to workspace/executeCommand.

I agree should have a way to filter that, not sure how unfortunately

Limess commented 1 year ago

Calva version v2.0.353

I've tried this on Windows and Mac and had the same issues,.

Calva settings:

  "calva.evalOnSave": true,
  "calva.paredit.defaultKeyMap": "original",
  // "calva.prettyPrintingOptions": {
  //   "enabled": true,
  //   "maxLength": 50,
  //   "printEngine": "pprint",
  //   "width": 100
  // },

Full settings (pretty beefy but included for completeness)

  "[go.mod]": {
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  //   "width": 100
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ericdallo commented 1 year ago

Would be nice if you could test with nightly clojure-lsp which fixed the known issue

Limess commented 1 year ago

Do you have instructions on downloading the nightly lsp build anywhere?

ericdallo commented 1 year ago or via Clojurians #clojure-lsp-dev-builds

PEZ commented 1 year ago

You can tell Calva to use the clojure-lsp nightly build in VS Code settings:

Limess commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I've tried to use nightly and I'm still seeing the same behaviour.

Weirdly it fires the notification multiple times during the jack in sequence. Each time I save a file, or evaluate something in a REPL it also logs twice to stdout.

Calva version used: v2.0.353
clojure-lsp version used: 2023.04.22-15.04.30-nightly
clj-kondo version used: 2023.04.15-SNAPSHOT

I can try cutting down extensions and settings again tomorrow to isolate this.

Limess commented 1 year ago

Aha! I have found the culprit:

"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.organizeImports": true

I think I enabled this recently for

For now I'll ensure this is off except for Python.

bpringe commented 1 year ago

I'm seeing this popup whenever saving any file in Calva since a recent update, and these in the logs:

@Limess Just to clarify, is the message in the popup the same as the errors from the logs? I just want to clarify since you said "I'm seeing this popup" but didn't add a screenshot or the popup message text.

Limess commented 1 year ago

Yes the popup matched the logs

ericdallo commented 1 year ago

@Limess that organizeImports should trigger clojure-lsp clean-ns refactoring, could you check if it's a exception that is happening on clojure-lsp side checking the server logs? I think calva has a command to open the server logs from VSCode

Limess commented 1 year ago

Clean NS Form doesn't produce any errors.

These are the LSP server logs after saving, when the error appears.

2023-04-25T13:19:58.417Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:441] - :code-actions 2ms
2023-04-25T13:19:58.849Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:441] - :code-actions 2ms
2023-04-25T13:19:58.857Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:441] - :code-actions 2ms
2023-04-25T13:19:58.864Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:441] - :code-actions 1ms
2023-04-25T13:19:58.872Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:441] - :code-actions 2ms
2023-04-25T13:19:58.923Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:389] - :execute-command 43ms
2023-04-25T13:19:59.006Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:188] - :did-save 0ms
2023-04-25T13:19:59.151Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:441] - :code-actions 0ms
2023-04-25T13:19:59.157Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:441] - :code-actions 0ms
2023-04-25T13:19:59.162Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:441] - :code-actions 0ms
2023-04-25T13:19:59.167Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:441] - :code-actions 0ms
2023-04-25T13:19:59.315Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:466] - :semantic-tokens-full 0ms
2023-04-25T13:20:00.342Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.dep-graph:269] - :maintain-dep-graph 0ms
2023-04-25T13:20:00.346Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.kondo:217] - Linting whole project for unused-public-var took 4ms
2023-04-25T13:20:00.346Z  WARN [clojure-lsp.kondo:325] - Non-fatal error from clj-kondo: No configs copied.

2023-04-25T13:20:00.347Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.feature.file-management:281] - Watched files analyzed, took 27ms
2023-04-25T13:20:00.347Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.dep-graph:269] - :maintain-dep-graph 0ms
2023-04-25T13:20:00.347Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.server:164] - :refreshing-test-tree 0ms
2023-04-25T13:20:00.347Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.server:556] - :analyze-files-in-watched-dir 28ms
2023-04-25T13:20:00.373Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.server:102] - :publish-diagnostics 0ms
ericdallo commented 1 year ago

Hum, so looks good from clojure-lsp side, maybe something in vscode is triggering something else after the clean-ns?