BetterWorks / django-anonymizer

MIT License
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Added unicode compatibility for files #9

Closed luflow closed 8 years ago

luflow commented 8 years ago

Until now it was not possible to use files with from __future__ import unicode_literals because then the Exception would be raised because of the unicode string which is obviously not instance of str ;)

terite commented 8 years ago


luflow commented 8 years ago

Will there be a new release with this fix in the next days? I would like to roll out this fix in our dev team via pip.

Thank you!

terite commented 8 years ago

@krautnerds Unfortunately, we're just a fork of the unmaintained original, and don't control the package on pip.

I think @spookylukey has control of that.

If you want to install our fork, you can do

pip install
spookylukey commented 8 years ago

@terite - if you would like to take control of this package and become the official maintainer, that would be fine by me.

The only thing necessary is that you have permissions to publish to PyPI, which I can give you, if you let me know your PyPI username.

Let me know if you want me to do that.

terite commented 8 years ago

@spookylukey Sure! I'm terite on pypi too.

spookylukey commented 8 years ago

OK, I've added you as the owner on PyPI, you should be able to edit it and upload new releases.

Once you update this project to indicate it is the official version now, I'll update the bitbucket repo accordingly.

I'd appreciate it if you added something to the README about the limitations that I mention in my current fork - namely 1) that it is probably best for small DBs and doesn't scale well those anonymization thousands of rows (at least it didn't when I stopped developing it) 2) it involves downloading an un-anonymized DB to your development machine, which might be an issue in itself.

Please also update AUTHORS and the to indicate the new maintainer (you can leave author and author_email as me, or change it, whichever you prefer, but if you don't change it you should add maintainer and maintainer_email). There are various other things in the that probably need fixing.

I would recommend using for hosting docs, I haven't set that up yet so there is nothing for me to transfer.

luflow commented 8 years ago

Hi @terite!

Is there any progress in publishing an updated version to PyPI?

Thank you! krautnerds

terite commented 8 years ago

Hey @krautnerds

I have to admit I dropped it off of my radar after suggesting the custom pip install route. Since you asked though, I released 0.5.1 (source and a universal wheel) to pypi. 0.5.1 is upstream 0.5 + this PR + misc packaging changes. You can see the source code on the legacy branch.

I decided not to release master yet as 1.0alpha we've made some backwards incompatible changes that might break things for you.

Anyway, try it out and let me know if it fixes your issue.