Betterbird / thunderbird-patches

Betterbird is a fork of Mozilla Thunderbird. Here are the patches that provide all the goodness.
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[Question] Are the developer tools missing? #290

Closed repsorp closed 3 months ago

repsorp commented 3 months ago


new to Betterbird here... Are the developer tools missing? The option is still here in "Tools" menu (Ctrl+Shift+I) but doesn't return anything.

Betterbird commented 3 months ago

Which platform? Certainly it works on Windows, we use it all the time. Anything in the error console?

Update: Also tested on Linux and Mac now. Of course you need to accept the incoming connection and make sure that window isn't covered. You can also set pref devtools.debugger.prompt-connection to false to avoid the prompt.

repsorp commented 3 months ago

Ubuntu 23.04 Betterbird 115.9.0-bb26 (64-bit) Betterbird Flatpak Build: - 48972a0

Even with pref devtools.debugger.prompt-connection set to false nothing happens when I click on 'Developer Tools'

FYI: No problem with 'Developer Tools' in Thunderbird

repsorp commented 3 months ago

I've just tried Betterbird 115.10.0-bb27 "Superstar" (16 April 2024) with which 'Developer Tools' works fine. The problem is related to the Flatpak version

Betterbird commented 3 months ago

Another FlatPak issue. @mfschumann ?

mfschumann commented 3 months ago

Strange, works for me in the flatpak version of Betterbird. Have you modified the permissions of the Betterbird flatpak in any way?

repsorp commented 3 months ago

Didn't modify anything

flatpak info eu.betterbird.Betterbird

Betterbird Project - Betterbird is a soft fork of Mozilla Thunderbird. Simply

          ID: eu.betterbird.Betterbird
         Ref: app/eu.betterbird.Betterbird/x86_64/stable
        Arch: x86_64
      Branch: stable
     Version: 115.9.0-bb26
     License: MPL-2.0
      Origin: flathub
  Collection: org.flathub.Stable
Installation: system
   Installed: 249,8 Mo
     Runtime: org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/23.08
         Sdk: org.freedesktop.Sdk/x86_64/23.08

      Commit: 485e5798a1910ae34a7399c78058d970f6fca69837ddcf6c80670fd79784e013
      Parent: 92ca6b50f78a699acc41673b651e01def1c7bf5b2487671e96e0abba0fb51fe9
     Subject: Update to 115.9.0-bb26 (#151) (95aeabe5)
        Date: 2024-03-23 00:24:29 +0000
repsorp commented 3 months ago

No more success with flatpak 115.10.0-bb27 'Developer Tools' still not working

mfschumann commented 3 months ago

Do you get this confirmation dialog or nothing at all? image

Even when resetting all custom permissions I had set I am still able to launch developer tools successfully in the flatpak version of Betterbird under Fedora 39.

mfschumann commented 3 months ago

Are you sure that Thunderbird, Betterbird, and the Betterbird flatpak use the same profile? Maybe it is worth a try to test if developer tools can be launched in a fresh profile (i.e. run flatpak run eu.betterbird.Betterbird -P and create a new profile).

repsorp commented 3 months ago

Do you get this confirmation dialog or nothing at all? image

Even when resetting all custom permissions I had set I am still able to launch developer tools successfully in the flatpak version of Betterbird under Fedora 39.

Nope, nothing at all Absolutely nothing happens when I click on "Developer Tools" or enter "Ctrl+Shift+I".

mfschumann commented 3 months ago

I've tested on a fresh Ubuntu 23.04 installation with the flatpak version of Betterbird: Developer Tools open as expected for me. So there must be something wrong in your specific setup or user profile.

I found that when you click "Disable" in the "Incoming Connection" dialog once, you end up with the behavior you describe: Nothing happens when clicking on "Developer Tools". The behavior persists across restarts of Betterbird, so the setting seems to be stored in your profile.

@Betterbird Any idea how to reset this without creating a new profile?

repsorp commented 3 months ago

I've tested on a fresh Ubuntu 23.04 installation with the flatpak version of Betterbird: Developer Tools open as expected for me. So there must be something wrong in your specific setup or user profile.

I found that when you click "Disable" in the "Incoming Connection" dialog once, you end up with the behavior you describe: Nothing happens when clicking on "Developer Tools". The behavior persists across restarts of Betterbird, so the setting seems to be stored in your profile.

@Betterbird Any idea how to reset this without creating a new profile?

you're right... Something wrong with my profile (everything works fine with a new profile) Don't feel like starting from crash though I haven't yet figured out what to change in the settings to get those 'Developer Tools' back...

mfschumann commented 3 months ago

The preference that is toggled when clicking "Disable" seems to be "devtools.debugger.remote-enabled". Can you set that to true and try if you can launch Developer Tools?

Betterbird commented 3 months ago

Play around with the respective prefs, search for prefs starting with devtools.debugger and check what's modified. Perhaps: devtools.debugger.enabled or devtools.debugger.remote-enabled. Or set devtools.debugger.prompt-connection to false.

repsorp commented 3 months ago

The preference that is toggled when clicking "Disable" seems to be "devtools.debugger.remote-enabled". Can you set that to true and try if you can launch Developer Tools?

Well done, 'Developer Tools' are back ! Thanks to both of you for the support and sorry for the noise