Beyka / Android-TiffBitmapFactory

MIT License
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Multipage Tiff #26

Closed vkmulloly closed 6 years ago

vkmulloly commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to create multi page tiff image using this library ?

Beyka commented 7 years ago

Hello. Yes, it is possible to create multipage tiff:

Saving tiff file

//Open some image
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile("sdcard/image.png");
//Create options for saving
TiffSaver.SaveOptions options = new TiffSaver.SaveOptions();
//By default compression mode is none
options.compressionScheme = CompressionScheme.COMPRESSION_LZW;
//By default orientation is top left
options.orientation = Orientation.ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP;
//Add author tag to output file = "beyka";
//Add copyright tag to output file
options.copyright = "Some copyright";
//Save image as tif. If image saved succesfull true will be returned
boolean saved = TiffSaver.saveBitmap("/sdcard/out.tif", bitmap, options);

Adding page to existing tiff file

//Open some image
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile("sdcard/image.png");
//Create options for saving
TiffSaver.SaveOptions options = new TiffSaver.SaveOptions();
//By default compression mode is none
options.compressionScheme = CompressionScheme.COMPRESSION_LZW;
//By default orientation is top left
options.orientation = Orientation.ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP;
//Add author tag to output file = "beyka";
//Add copyright tag to output file
options.copyright = "Some copyright";
//Add new directory to existing file or create new file. If image saved succesfull true will be returned
boolean saved = TiffSaver.appendBitmap("/sdcard/out.tif", bitmap, options);

Every new page will be added as new directory to the end of file. If you trying to append directory to non-exisiting file - new file will be created

Method TiffSaver.appendBitmap appends pages to existing file or create new one if it is not exist