Beyond-Reality / BeyondRealityModPack

Mod pack for the beyond reality team
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Ender quarry (no Upgrade) (SSP) #396

Closed Ldmf closed 8 years ago

Ldmf commented 8 years ago

The ender quarry starts afer a save and re enter the world 5 or 6 chunks from the orgiginal stop energy is enoth

idk wath it curs or how too fix it

leagris commented 8 years ago

@ldmf Not sure I understand exactly what happens here. Surely the EnderQuarry has enough bugs on its own, that I would not be surprised it is just one more. Certainly related to current position not correctly saved or chunk unloading/reloading related.

Next BeyondReality will use EnderIO-1.7.10- or newer instead of EnderIO-1.7.10- Nothing found related to EnderQuarry in EnderIO-1.7.10- Changelog.

As EnderIO development moved to 1.8+, expect build 424 to be the ultimate one for 1.7.10.

spacebuilder2020 commented 8 years ago

Isn't the Ender Quarry from Extra Utilities, not Ender IO?

Ldmf commented 8 years ago

@spacebuilder2020 it's from Extra Utilities you are korekt


EnderQuarry has enough bugs

Thx 4 the info :)

leagris commented 8 years ago

OMG, where is my brain? ;D

Ldmf commented 8 years ago

@leagris Zombies eaten your brain ^^ irony off

no body is perfect or so ;)

leagris commented 8 years ago

Well, EnderQuary has behavior issues with past and current versions. Like skipping fluid blocks, causing sand/gravel falls despite it mines from top to bottom.

Unfortunately, no update either for ExtraUtilities and forever version 1.2.12 as it also moved development to 1.8+

EnderQuarry has open issues that are more than a year old and not fixed. I really can't help you more on this, other than redirect you to:

Ldmf commented 8 years ago

ok thx :)