Beyond-Reality / BeyondRealityModPack

Mod pack for the beyond reality team
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certus quartz generating in the nether instead of nether quartz. #411

Closed docteurmystere closed 7 years ago

docteurmystere commented 8 years ago

notwithstanding the config, my nether is overfilled with certus quartz (which by config should NOT generate) while nether quartz is simply not there, if not for the small ores. edit: reproduced in ssp, gregtech config is current.

leagris commented 7 years ago

I could not reproduce

swanjr commented 7 years ago

I have had a similar issue on both single player and on my server. I cannot find any nether quart in the nether at all. Neither small ores or veins of it. I have generate about 20 worlds always the same. All the other ores appear to show up fine. I tried to modify the WorldGeneration.cfg for my server but it appears my changes just get overwritten on server start up. I am running version 241r1. The only additional mods I added from the optional list were Biomes O Plenty, Twilight Forest, and FastCraft.

leagris commented 7 years ago

Would you try without Biomes O Plenty

I cannot find any nether quart in the nether at all Vanilla nether quartz does not generate in Nether and this is intended.

You need to search for Gregtech Quartz ore veins that do generate in the Nether.

I tried to modify the WorldGeneration.cfg for my server but it appears my changes just get overwritten on server start up.

If you make syntax errors in WorldGEneration.cfg it will be overwritte. If you update/redownload the server pack it will overwrite with default BeyondReality WorldGeneration.cfg

You can come to our IRC channel Server:, channel: #beyondreality or our Discord pack-support channel: for help on this issue.

swanjr commented 7 years ago

Yeah, it seems to be Biomes O Plenty. With that disabled I get both small and large veins of nether quartz.

I also came a docteurmystere problem in a couple of my worlds when Biomes O Plenty was enabled. There was tons of certus quartz but no nether quartz.

As for the WorldGeneration.cfg, even if I change a value of an existing config line when I start the server it will just put the old line back in the file right next to the line I changed.

Dominance commented 7 years ago

You cannot edit a default line. Only toggle it on or off. You would of had to create a custom ore generation node for it to of worked. Iirc on a side note thanks for including what mids where added. BOP is jacked up for 1.7

swanjr commented 7 years ago

Ahh ok. Thanks.

leagris commented 7 years ago

Thank you @swanjr and @Dominance There's now little doubts, Biome-O-Plenty is gonna be dropped with next BRC update.

swanjr commented 7 years ago

So I found a work around. The following process seems to fix the vein nether quartz generation. 1) Create new server with Biomes O Plenty installed/enabled. 2) Start server up and wait until fully loaded. 3) Shut server down and delete generated world folder. 4) Uninstall/disable Biomes O Plenty. 5) Start server up again and wait until loaded. 6) Shut server down and delete generated world folder again. 7) Re-install/re-enable Biomes O Plenty. 8) Start server up again and log into world. Should be able to find Nether Quartz veins now. However, the small nether quartz still sometimes does not generate.

spacebuilder2020 commented 7 years ago


spacebuilder2020 commented 7 years ago

I have never been a big fan of mods like Biome O Plenty due to them adding a lot of extra stuff to the world gen resulting in lots of lag when chunks are generated. Same with highlands but not as much as Biomes O Plenty.

swanjr commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I think I'm going to try Highlands instead.

leagris commented 7 years ago

Issue is gone since BOP is now Optional