Beyond-Reality / BeyondRealityModPack

Mod pack for the beyond reality team
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Update WitchlingGadgets.zs #426

Closed lilmoefow closed 7 years ago

lilmoefow commented 7 years ago

WHY IS THIS FILE CALLED WITCHLING GADGETS??? and I'm not sure those two original lines were doing anything? I could be wrong though.

Don't merge yet, want to ask you a few more things first.

Dominance commented 7 years ago

Why are you adding back in the ability to use the WG blast furnace to produce steel? Transmuting by hand is yes a way to bypass GT of which I would remove myself but at least it's a pure time sink pain in the ass. This allows magic automate steel for cheap and bypass the early tech game.

lilmoefow commented 7 years ago

Those 2 lines Never prevented that blast furnace from Producing steel? With your 2 lines the plast furnace would still produce IC2's Reinfored Iron which auto oredicts to Gregtech Steel.

If Producing steel in that Blast Furnace was never intentional, i will add lines to remove EVERY steel it produces.

spacebuilder2020 commented 7 years ago

Frankly. I don't think the player should be punished if they wish to invest in magic. I do think there should be recipe changes so the steel recipe matches the gregtech one more. Perhaps only working if the blast furnace has a supply of ignis, etc. But these recipes should still exist but in a gregified manner.

lilmoefow commented 7 years ago

How about using Wrought Iron in the Infernal Blast Furnace to Produce Steel??

Dominance commented 7 years ago

Greging the recipes is a good way. I don't think there was many methods available when I first wrote the script. Not sure if this can produce aluminum or not but if it does it needs to be gated as well

spacebuilder2020 commented 7 years ago

Yep. :)

spacebuilder2020 commented 7 years ago

And I think it can with native aluminum clusters.

lilmoefow commented 7 years ago

The Native clusters can only be made with Aluminum that is found on the moon that has the oredict tag of ore:oreAluminum

Gregtechs aluminium is tagged ore:oreAluminium which will not turn into clusters. This final change here should hopefully suit everyones likings.

spacebuilder2020 commented 7 years ago

looks good