Beyond-Reality / BeyondRealityModPack

Mod pack for the beyond reality team
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[FS] Infinite red garnet exploit #446

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

Unified items Ruby ore can be repeatedly placed and broken for infinite red garnet.


chazwarp923 commented 7 years ago

The red garnet issue is not anything on my end as it isn't even from my mod. That's TechReborn or someone else.

ghost commented 7 years ago

seems to be TechReborn

public void onBlockHarvest(BlockEvent.HarvestDropsEvent event) {
    if (OreDictUtils.isOre(event.getState(), "oreRuby")) {
chazwarp923 commented 7 years ago

That makes no sense as you can just silk touch and get infinite red garnet.

leagris commented 7 years ago

Fixed in-dev