Beyond-Reality / BeyondRealityModPack

Mod pack for the beyond reality team
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BC assembly balancing suggestion #448

Closed Manj4ppa closed 7 years ago

Manj4ppa commented 7 years ago

Since the removal of the BC gear recipes in favour of their GT counterparts, assembly table stuff in buildcraft has been gated rather harder than seems necessary.

For metal gears there is no issue, the rods can be made with a file. Diamond gears, however, requires a lathe for the diamond rods. This gates things like pipe gates and pipe wires behind GT electrics, which seems unneccesary.

My suggestion to balance this would be to replace the diamond gear in the recipes for the assembly table and the integration table with a steel gear instead. This brings it more into line with similar control options from other mods.

Manj4ppa commented 7 years ago

The BC refinery has the same problem, the same solution might be appropriate. Replace the diamond gear with a steel gear and add 3 diamonds to the bottom to maintain the requirement for diamonds perhaps.