Beyond-Reality / BeyondRealityModPack

Mod pack for the beyond reality team
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Require GT++ quantum ingot for the TT Osmotic Enchanter. #457

Closed katecw closed 7 years ago

katecw commented 7 years ago

IMHO the Osmotic Enchanter is extremely OP since it not only allows effectively free enchantments but also allows you to stack more onto an item than would normally by possible using the vanilla mechanics and gives easy access to the Thaumic Tinkerer enchantments, most notably Vampirism which when combined with others make the player semi-invulnerable (I've tested it a lot).

Further, it is still possible to gain quite powerful enchantments through either infusion enchantment or the EIO enchanter. Both require resources and experience, and both do not let you go beyond the maximum enchantment level.

Instead I propose this change which effectively gates the osmotic enchanter behind the GT++ alloy blast smelter (required to obtain quantum). The blast smelter is mid-game in terms of GT progression, but is quite tiresome to obtain and does require a lot of power (for all the staballoy), but this seems like a good balance to me. This also means the extremely powerful TT enchantments like Vampirism are only available by chance enchantment until that point.

I do not fully expect this pull request to be accepted but wished to document my reasoning and change. I have played using it and found that it fit quite well with overall progression, whereas without I was invulnerable thanks to a sharpness V, vamp II etc blade quite early game.