Beyond-Reality / BeyondRealityModPack

Mod pack for the beyond reality team
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Make Witching Gadgets Cloak of the Wolf harder to obtain #462

Open katecw opened 7 years ago

katecw commented 7 years ago

WG's cloak of the wolf is somewhat overpowered. On repeated hits it gives the wearer speed, strength and resistance IV.

I tested it with 8 HEE angry endermen and 10 TC angry zombies in a confined space wearing prot IV diamond armour. With the cloak after 30 seconds they had knocked off 4 hearts. Without the cloak I was dead in under 6 seconds.

To redress the balance I propose requiring voidmetal, meteoric steel (ie. a trip to the moon and an EBF) and the appropriate Botania flasks (ie. the elven gateway stage of Botania - they need alfglass). This will make the item very much mid-game at the earliest.