Beyond-Reality / BeyondRealityModPack

Mod pack for the beyond reality team
21 stars 14 forks source link

BR 1.7.10 2.5.1-r1 Assembly line recipes has oredict names #468

Closed MechanID closed 3 years ago

MechanID commented 3 years ago

Hello, First of all i must say that this pack is amazing, playing it on private server with friends for two month, and we still have much to do. i had never such experience.

Our issue that we finally built GT assembly line, but recipes produced by scanner and printed books too have oredict names like Construction data 387

P.S. i understand that mod development is abandoned so don't worry if you have no time to investigate this issue.


spacebuilder2020 commented 3 years ago

This is probably a locality issue. I have noticed that gregtech items don't have a name field. Thus, you get artifacts like this. I don't think there is anything that can be done about that.

MechanID commented 3 years ago

thanks for your response, and thank you very much for this mod pack!

spacebuilder2020 commented 3 years ago

I am not a major contributor, I just contributed once or twice.

But agreed, this is one of my favorite modpacks.

leagris commented 3 years ago

It is an issue I fixed then someone-else broke it again. There is no more any significant maintenance on the GT5U repository. Most of the current work maintaining GT5 is done with the Gregtech New Norizons pack's version of Gregtech which has diverged quite alot from the version used in BeyondREality.

MechanID commented 3 years ago

@leagris could you please point me which your commit was fixing this issue - maybe i could rollback gt version on my server to some version where your fix is not broken yet