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Creeds of Craftsmanship #18

Open coolaj86 opened 2 years ago

coolaj86 commented 2 years ago

The Creeds of Software Craftsmanship

These are perhaps the most important archeological documents of the 21st century.

Need to pull out some of the other creeds from here:

Resources of Significant Importance

Here's a few more than don't quite fit the one-liner summary:

Talks on Software Engineering

The Zen of Python Programming (watch talk) (Beyond Code)
Crockford on JavaScript: The Better Parts (watch talk) (Yahoo!)
Rob Pike on Software Engineering (in Go) (watch talk) (Google)
Dave Cheney on Software Engineering (in Go) (watch talk) (Google)
Simplicity is Complicated (watch talk) Rob Pike
Things in Go I Never Use (watch talk) Mat Ryer
How I Write HTTP Web Services after Eight Years (watch talk) Mat Ryer
Awesome Cold Showers (article) -

On Dependencies

On Critical Decisions

Needs Sorting...

Need to tease some stuff out of this:

Contemporary Bonuses

This one is too contemporary and specific to belong among the Creeds of Craftsmanship, but it certainly illuminates a type of problem that has come before and will come again. I'm just not sure how to tease it out into a distilled, more generic form.

Just Plain Good Talks, Ideas, etc



See also: My List of Best Go Resources




See also: My List of Best JavaScript Resources




jsmart523 commented 2 years ago

@coolaj86 , you'd distilled the above into a draft list you read on JSJ 505. Are you going to post it?

josuer08 commented 2 years ago

Hey guys, I think this talk should be included in here Mother of all demos

coolaj86 commented 2 years ago

To-do Include these somewhere

Semantic Commits

StackOverflow Answers are a Coin Toss

Dependencies attack you

Creator of Tcl/tk talks about Engineering

coolaj86 commented 2 years ago
tobias-edwards commented 2 years ago

Why not include "The Pragmatic Programmer"? Or at least it's tips poster if conciseness is preferred? I'm currently reading the 20th anniversary edition and it's great. I especially love the reasoning and research behind "Don't live with broken windows".

coolaj86 commented 2 years ago

@jsmart523 It's finally coming together: \ Axioms of AJScript:

coolaj86 commented 2 years ago

@tobias-edwards I put "The Pragmatic Programmer Tips" in the list. Do you have a link to a more printable version? \

When it is broke, it is the right time to fix it - Chinese Fortune Cookie

tobias-edwards commented 2 years ago

Ah yes, I glossed over it while viewing on mobile sorry! I'm afraid I've got the hardcover so no link

coolaj86 commented 2 years ago

Better Apps: Delivering Universal UI Patterns as Web Components (Elix)

(a.k.a. How to break down functional software components into the most meaningful parts)

Async-first Browser Development (Qwik)

Misko Hevery "Qwik framework overview":

coolaj86 commented 2 years ago

Happy Path Performance (RavenDB):

coolaj86 commented 2 years ago

Added The Unix Philosophy to the top:

amerikan commented 1 year ago

coolaj86 commented 1 year ago

Ars Technica War Stories:

coolaj86 commented 1 year ago

Algorithms to Live By - Google Tech Talk

How to beat the Housing / Dating / Employment market using a simple statistical economic strategy.