BeyondCodeBootcamp / js-with-types-jsdoc-tsc-starter

A simple, but non-trivial example of getting the most from JSDoc + tsserver (Type Linting without TypeScript)
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Bug in `tsc`: can't export package-scope types #8

Open coolaj86 opened 2 years ago

coolaj86 commented 2 years ago

You can either have types scoped to the level of the package, or you can export them, but you can't do both:


⚠️ Workaround

You can import your own exported types.

in package "foo"

// types.js
 * @typedef {Object} Foo
 * @prop {String} name
// index.js
/** @typedef {import('./types.js').Foo} Foo */

/** @type {Foo} */
let foo;

in package "bar"

/** @type {import('foo/types.js').Foo} */
let foo;

Perfect Solution: Re-export with types

Make index.js be a re-export with all of the local types, then generate the local types.js:


  "main": "index.js", // our types + package re-export
  "files": [
npm pkg set scripts.prepublish="./bin/re-export-types"


module.exports = require('./');

 * @typedef {Object} Bar
 * @prop {Number} age

 * @typedef {Object} Foo
 * @prop {String} name

Generate types.js



    grep typedef ./index.js | cut -d ' ' -f5

rm -f ./types.js
    echo '// auto-generated with ./bin/re-export-types'
    echo '// DO NOT EDIT'
    echo ''
    echo '/**'
    for my_type in $my_typedefs; do
        echo " * @typedef {import('./').${my_type}} ${my_type}"
    echo ' */'
} >> ./types.js
 * @typedef {import('./').Foo} Foo
 * @typedef {import('./').Bar} Bar
coolaj86 commented 1 year ago

Fixed with npx jswt reexport