BeyondRobotix / mavesp8266

ESP8266 WiFi Access Point and MAVLink Bridge
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How To Query Version Number #33

Closed jpaulos closed 7 years ago

jpaulos commented 7 years ago

How can I query the version number when connected over Wifi? The setup instructions at say I can only do an over-the-air update if my version number is 1.0.4 or greater, but the instructions don't say how to determine what it is presently. I blindly tried an update anyway, but it returned "FAIL".

(I am trying to diagnose a crummy connection on my factory-fresh PixRacer companion board, so updating the firmware seemed like a good place to start.)

dogmaphobic commented 7 years ago

When using QGC to connect (through WiFi), the WiFi Bridge panel will show the current version. Looking through the logs, I found that OTA updates were actually implemented on version 1.0.2. If you connect to the unit using a browser to the upload "page" and actually see something asking for a firmware, you have a newer version.

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jpaulos commented 7 years ago

I was intending this as a bug report on the (otherwise excellent) documentation.

Thanks for your help, I'll follow up on glitter if I can't get this to behave. I had been looking at the QGroundControl WiFi Bridge window which doesn't have this information. Navigating into Summary and and looking at the WifiBridge panel told me what I need (1.0.11). I see you added this feature back in January -- thanks for that.