BeyondRobotix / mavesp8266

ESP8266 WiFi Access Point and MAVLink Bridge
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Using Wifi link can lead to Radio link loss / slow performance / glitches #37

Open Saxin opened 7 years ago

Saxin commented 7 years ago


I've cross checked and confirmed on forums, I suggests making big warning for new users to check if Wifi is compatible with their radio control system, usually FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) systems will tolerate wifi along them but not the more simple ones.

I have a model with Frsky AAHST system - all works flawlessly. I have another model with Flsky simple radio system (Stock Cx-20 Rx and Tx) - severe glitches and slow response, loss of control when flying out to around 200 meters.

Safe flying.