BeyondRobotix / mavesp8266

ESP8266 WiFi Access Point and MAVLink Bridge
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Not able to Set Parameters from Ground Station #57

Open mjs513 opened 6 years ago

mjs513 commented 6 years ago

Ok. Got everything working pretty good. I can even set waypoints and send them to the UAS. While everything else seems to be working I can not seem to set tuning parameters from the ground station to the UAS.

When I hit the Set button in APMplanner it says transmitting and then timesout. There are no associated message id's that appear on the UAS side. I did see the note on the parameters page that id_all should be set for pass through but this does not seem to work. Messages sent to MAV_COMP_ID_ALL will be forwarded to the UAS as well

I did leave a message on glitter but no takers, so I am posting here. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Mike

UPDATE: was looking at the code in componets.cpp and don't think its handling MAV_COMP_ID_ALL for set parameter message. If I knew how to fix it I would give it a shot.

  if(message->msgid == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_SET) {
      mavlink_param_set_t param;
      mavlink_msg_param_set_decode(message, &param);
      DEBUG_LOG("MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_SET: %u %s\n", param.target_component, param.param_id);
      if(param.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_UDP_BRIDGE) {
          _handleParamSet(sender, &param);
          return true;

If you follow to handleParameterSet I don't see where it sends to the UAV for ALL.