A test of TopAnat on a graph of Conditions, rather than a graph of anatomical structures, has been implemented in branch test_topanat_conditions_graph. This version is the one deployed at http://altbgee.unil.ch/?page=top_anat as of Feb. 20 2016.
in this prototype, the stage selection has no effect.
You should unselect one of the stage, otherwise the same analysis will be launched twice
the server is likely to crash when performing more than one analysis at a time
one analysis takes several hours
Conclusion: really cool, but really computer-intensive (at least, for topOBO...). We should rely on the fast implementation of enrichment tests with no decorrelation, or re-implement completely topOBO to make it fast with deorrelations.
In GitLab by @fbastian on Feb 20, 2016, 22:28
A test of TopAnat on a graph of Conditions, rather than a graph of anatomical structures, has been implemented in branch
. This version is the one deployed at http://altbgee.unil.ch/?page=top_anat as of Feb. 20 2016.Conclusion: really cool, but really computer-intensive (at least, for topOBO...). We should rely on the fast implementation of enrichment tests with no decorrelation, or re-implement completely topOBO to make it fast with deorrelations.