BhanukaUOM / Data-Structures-and-Algorithms

Data Structures and Algorithms in Java and Python 3
MIT License
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New self made Permutation_combination problem's solution. #5

Closed abhinavsharma629 closed 5 years ago

abhinavsharma629 commented 5 years ago

The problem is named :- Sherlock's Mystery and its questions goes this way.

Sherlock is in the mid of a mystery and he has very less time to solve the mystery and save Ms. Warne. Watson gives Sherlock a number N and tells him to find the answer to it and that number is the code to the door inside which Ms. Warne is stuck. He gives him a clue to solve the task and tells him to determine how many pairs of X,Y and Z exists in the list of numbers 1 to N(inclusive) such that the sum of the elements is an even number and X!=Y!=Z(all are distinct) and there is no repetition. If there are no such elements then the output is considered to be zero.

Input The first line of the input contains a single integer T denoting the number of test cases. The description of T test cases follows. The first and only line of each test case contains an integer N.

Output For each test case, print a single line containing a number.

Constraints 1 = T = 1,000 1 = N = 103

Example Input 2 6 10

Example Output 10 60

Time Limit :- 1 secs AUTHOR :- ABHINAV SHARMA